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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by Welshy.

  1. Suggestion Name: Have a command to toggle collisions on/off.


    Suggestion Description: Let's say you log onto EU4 to mess about but with friends and you want to be able to crash into them for a laugh whilst not affecting anyone else. Because the entire server is automatically a NCZ you can't. So I was thinking if there's a command to toggle it on/off then you can do just that and then no-one else is affected by it.

    Any example images: N/A

    Why should it be added?: Mostly so like earlier, if you want to be able to crash into friends for a laugh you can when you want to. Obviously not whilst they're parked in the same spot, that would be chaos.

    • Upvote 1
    • Confused 1
  2. This may seem (as probably is) way too far fetched but I want to post it somewhere.

    Suggestion Name: TruckersMP Driving Test


    So basically, I was driving near Amsterdam earlier when I got this thought. And I think it may be good (Atleast for the simulation servers)


    Suggestion Description: A way to verify if a "driver" is able to know if they understand road rules, a test will ask a few questions from a highway code (Ones that will all be the same?) and if they answer over a certain amount (the same amount as the real one) then they have a "Pass" to login and hopefully this will cause less accidents (Or people thinking they're right)

    Any example images: None


    Why should it be added?: I thought this was good because, I do know the UK one (somehow) and I drive pretty much how people should, giving way, red lights, reasonable speed limits etc.


    Even just getting people to know road signs (or good advice) would be good enough in my opinion.

    • Upvote 2
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