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Veteran Driver X
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Posts posted by Kamusel

  1. not suuuch a bad idea, but i guess as said above the red text could come back. But make it optional so people can turn it on or off with a command or settings maybe so optional ban spam :P. also have it so that the admin can turn it off their end if they don't want the bans broadcasted over the server. not sure 

    • Upvote 2
  2. -1 Trouble is its better people not knowing which admin is online, since trolls and rammer's will just wait till there is no admin and start, well.. trolling :P.    Also it could end up with the admin getting spammed with a load of messages if he/she wasn't able to get to your report yet because they dealing with others. 

    • Upvote 2
  3. I don't think it would be a good idea. Specially if people clearly can't get them selfs out the way, spending time putting that sign up and just sitting there instead of just pressing f7 it is a bad idea.

    But if you can get out of the way then it may help for people to see far away, but then again you should be paying attention to the road for accidents instead of having to see a giant yellow sign :P lol

  4. Hello RapidVenom


    I checked through my evidence because you didn't ram anyone ect and since it is your first ban i will remove it. Note if you speed-hack again or anything similar you will have to wait out the full 3 months (due to new rules) 


    Yours ffwjag, safe trucking! 



  5. Hello Armyvanza,


    Because this is your first ban this once i will approve it. if you are caught again for speed hack or anything similar you will have to wait out the full length.  APPROVED.



    Yours ffwjag

    • Upvote 1
  6. For insulting me and another player for no reason. I figured you would learn from having the 3 month ban not to try and insult that admin again in your ban appeal so added another 2 months,  Maybe you will learn eventually. If not the next one will go to permanent.




  7. You were only banned for an hour :) I was going to check my evidence but it decided to corrupt. So for now ill remove it but if you end up banned again for the same reason it will stay.  Accepted


    - ffwjag 

    • Upvote 1
  8. This was really odd, it was almost like the wheels of the truck were clipping in to the ground a little bit randomly, because when i tried to move the wheels just span on the ground. Steering wheel was making some very unhappy noises lol 

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