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[GT-28] Matthew [ 22 ]

Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by [GT-28] Matthew [ 22 ]

  1. Desinstale e instale o Winrar, algum coisa esta corrompido tente,

    1º Desinstale o winrar e tente abrir o instalador do MP sem o winrar,

    2º Caso nao funcionar, instale novamente e tente abri com o winrar,

    3º Se voce usa o Windows Defender, abra o Windows Defender e logo em seguida vai em Histórico e logo apois isso vai em Todos os itens detectados,

    4º Se acha algo relacionado ao MP que foi bloqueado click em cima do item detectado e clicka em Permitir item,

    Espero ter ajudado, fico no aguardo.

  2. Person calm is not matter of not be able to use that route has many players walking to almost 70 km per hour and that the limit is 25 km per non

    Standing question time to banish the route also and yes monitors who are passing it to mess!

    • Upvote 1

    Look at oxnard crossing now. Complete gridlock http://www.twitch.tv/kat_pw

    How come people are so frikkin stupid??!! In my opinion, that route should be forbidden, completely in the MP mod. Direct kick should be the punishment. No one should use that route. Period. It doesn't bring anything good to the game. If people like it so much they can go play SP and run around like stupid chickens alone


     I agree ;)
    • Upvote 1
  4. Is this that small road, the one where only 1 truck can fit on the tarmac?


    This road is the worst. Some people are stick rigidly to the tarmac as if the dirt is lava or something, forcing me to go on the left hand side of the road on some corners so they can have the entire road.


    Something needs to be done here.


    BTW, some people have no loads as you can also pick up trailers from this location as well as drop off trailers

    What I wanted to sum up, thanks

    • Upvote 1
  5. Suggestion Name : Traffic in Oxnard

    Suggestion !

    Well, I analyzed several times the traffic in Oxnard and saw many truck queues and analyzed

    the reason not is mandatory traffic, many players walking truck of so unloaded will adding queues and truck

    queues and causing beats and causing lag many in the house on the way down,

    I see some troll players in the way, pushing the staff ta loaded, the solution would leave the

    Oxnard route only for the players who are going to carry or station out of companies Chems,

    Ell Gods travels there because the brand route there to the default route, because

    I see many players carrying loads of Walbert traveling around, causing longer queues,

    road blockages between the two simple hand, it hinders the players who want to discharging,

    because the delay to queue walks the load will be able expires, this is boring,

    not for those who want only parade that way but for those who are using the route when it is mandatory



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