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Veteran Driver V
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Posts posted by TheHeadMower

  1. I agree in it being either increased or just removed, often enough when I get on and I want to meet up with a friend I hear "Yeah, I'm on EU2/3" and then i have to go through the pain of trying to get into that server. doing this will probably lag the servers as well, by constantly pressing the refresh button 

  2. 6 minutes ago, CentralProcessingCat said:

    The timezone is based on whatever you set it as on your truckersmp profile. Go to account settings > site settings and change the timezone to the timezone you live in. 



    For ex. I live in the CT timezone, so I would select (UTC-05:00) Central Time and make sure to select save

     Thanks a lot cleared it up :) 

  3. Suggestion Name:  Add Client based skins (or allow them)
    Suggestion Description:make users able to use selfmade skins if you use em another player will just see a normal colored truck where as you see a nice made skin. (its kinda like the idea that War Thunder has)

    Any example imagesMuscat-Skin-for-the-Kenworth-T908--830x4



    Why should it be added?: it will add more different looks and more fun ingame


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