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About Wolfpac357

  • Birthday 09/28/2001

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Stuttgart, Deutschland
  • Interests
    Photographie, Videographie, Kinematographie
    JDM Tuning
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Stuttgart
  • Known languages
    German, English

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  1. Saw that there are mostly over 100 active unviewed reports. Most of my reports I send are not reviewed. I would not mind joining the team and spend my time resolving these problems - especially after 12o'clock in Europe. Since the amount of people which recklessly break the rules is not getting better (while many just get away with it) I also would consider a longer ban-time and ensure that enough Mods are active during rush-hours. I'm not known with the details of the Admin-Panel, but is there a way to see if a person has been reported often lately or has had multiple bans in a short time? For those, I would give them longer ban-times so that they finally learn it. I very much like the idea of adding LED-Signs (like in Duisburg) that give everyone a little bit of an understanding on how to behave since many do not drive a vehicle in real life. But here is the more probable way of achieving good behaviour: Not only punish the "bad guys" but reward those who drive realistic, forward-looking and generally in accordance with the road traffic regulations. Maybe there will be a payment for every in-game day (while active) or something else. But rewards may be the key to make clean-driving more attractive.
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