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Everything posted by RavenEmblaTR

  1. Thanksss. My keyboard was broken so my F4 Button doesn't work. But I changed the button from settings and can now adjust my seat. Appreciate for the answer and visuals Teddy.
  2. Hello, dear Forum users. I have a question for you. I just bought a new truck and I want to adjust my seat. But now I can't find the seat adjustment feature that can be adjusted with the F4 key or through the Menu in the old version. Did they remove this feature with Version 1.49? How can I adjust my seat? Thanks for your attention. Have a good day❤
  3. Yep, it worked. I moved all Frosty mod files inside of the Documents/ETS2MP/mod folder to my desktop, and then I launched the game and it worked. Thanks for helping, the whole community Drive Safe
  4. Thanks for answering. But like I said I don't want to delete the files. Does it work if I take those files and copy and paste them into some empty folder and then delete the mod files which is inside of the "ETS2MP/mod" folder? Thanks again and also sorry for my bad English
  5. Hello, dear forum users. I want to disable the Winter mod because I'm tired of seeing snow and crashing everywhere. Can I disable the Winter Mod without deleting from mod files? I don't want to delete the files because I don't want to reinstall those Gigabytes of mod files in the next winter season. Is there any option for disabling or enabling the mod? (I'm not talking about Seasonal Effects, I just want to play on the default ETS map.) Thanks.
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