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Veteran Driver IV
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Posts posted by Nikjo

  1. 15 minutes ago, buksee said:



    But I think the DLC is only the trailers, and everybody will get the 8x4, we should wait to someone who updated the game and didn't bought the DLC.

    And in the Highpowered Cargo DLC the trailers were the same, only the Cargo was changed, that's why was there empty trailers. But in this case, the trailer is different, they are longer and wider which obliviously have different hit-box. So if the MP changes the trailer to a normal one if you don't have the DLC than you can get reported for ramming, even though on your screen you haven't touched the other player. So it will be a hard one to get done...

    Yeah everbody has the 8x4 Trucks so thats not a big problem for the Team

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