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Veteran Driver II
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Posts posted by NιghtKιller

  1. I don't agree with this suggestion, as people like to have their custom tags while not being inside a VTC, and this would cause an issue with them not being able to use a tag.


    And as many people stated above, the custom tags mean a lot in convoys/events. Like for example Easter egg hunt events, the eggs (TMP Staff) wouldn't be able to use tags to run that specific event.

    • Upvote 1
    • True Story 2
  2. Suggestion name: VTC Own Skins on Trailers, Trucks.



    Suggestion Description: Hello, i would like that if truckersmp VTC-s Would have OWN skin and that skin only reachable when you are in that vtc. And even more types of combinations. Not just like 1-1 trailer and Truck skin but also 2-2 or 3-3



    Why should be added: Beacuse Local mods is eh.. It's cool, but usually hard to understand. And if anyone wants to download any VTC Member a local mod of their own vtc he will don't understand how to do it


    Any example images(This picture were from Bruijn Logistics Member)suggestion.thumb.png.d9b7a257b6262520ffa5fd67aa9aae00.png

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