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Veteran Driver II
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Posts posted by Dazza74

  1. Suggestion Name

    Custom TruckersMP Interior to Alternating Vehicles


    Suggestion Description

    Create a custom TruckersMP interior to be used in ALL alternating vehicles, plus a little extra for Patrons.


    Why should it be added?

    Personally, I don't really like the Skoda interior in the alternating vehicles. I know some people have said "put a different interior in for every one" and I understand why that can't be done. However, it would be nice to see a custom TruckersMP interior that can be used on ALL of the alternating vehicles, or even just a spruce up/rebrand of the Skoda interior. Maybe a new gauge cluster, larger satnav and TMP branded steering wheel would be cool.

    Then for Patrons, allow them to add things like a TMP air freshener to the rear view mirror, and maybe a small TMP bag on the passenger seat as a way of saying thanks as well. I think this could make the alternating vehicles a bit nicer to drive around in. 

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