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  1. HandOfClash's post in [ANSWERED][EM] Competition was marked as the answer   
    Hey @wonszuuu! 👋

    Thank you for your suggestion and question. 
    Having discussed your idea with our managers, we believe that what you suggested could be something for our well-known TruckersMP tournaments, and something we would definitely want to look into. Over the past years we've tried to come up with new ideas and challenges for players to face at our tournaments, and what you suggested sounds like a cool idea and addition to our special events. We would obviously need to discuss on what such a competition could look like and what players would need to do to be better than another, but we're interested in the idea and have noted it down for the future. 
    Although a drift competition alone would perhaps be too much to set up to and most likely wouldn't get attended as much nor be as popular as events like our tournaments, we could certainly have a drift competition during another event. For instance, a drift competition (with winter physics [enabled]) might be something we could hold during a Christmas convoy break or, as mentioned, as additional challenge for our TruckersMP tournaments. 
    We appreciate your question and hope to continuously have you at our events. 
    Please feel free to share more suggestions to us throughout the feedback system or get in touch with us in case you got another question here. 
    TruckersMP Event Management
  2. HandOfClash's post in Ban was marked as the answer   
    Hallo @Laurin1909, ?
    Vorerst kommt es ganz darauf an, warum du Permanent gebannt worden bist. 
    Permanent due to History: (Permanent durch Historie:)
    Solltest du einen Permanent Ban bekommen haben wegen deiner Historie (somit 5 Bans), so wird dein aktueller Permanenter Ban entfernt. 
    Will bans previously issued due to history be disabled?
    Yes. Through an automated process, we will be disabling previously issued permanent bans extended due to history.
    Permanent due to other types: (Permanent durch andere Arten:)
    Nein, diese werden nicht entfernt. Aktuell werden lediglich nur Permanente Bans entfernt, die Spieler wegen der Historie bekommen haben. Das heißt, das Sperren wegen Hacking oder das Umgehen einer Sperre etc. nicht dazu gehören. 
    Will other types of permanent bans also be disabled?
    No. At this time we are only modifying rule §2.8, meaning that only permanent bans due to history are affected by this rule change. All other permanent bans will remain in place (hacking, ban evading, etc).
    Meine Sperre wurde nicht entfernt, warum? 
    Da aktuell viele Permanente Bans durchs System entfernt worden sind, kann es ebenso dazu kommen, das deine Sperre noch besteht. Solltest du eine Sperre haben wegen deiner Historie, und deine Sperre wurde nicht entfernt, so kannst du einen Appeal erstellen. : https://truckersmp.com/appeals
    My permanent ban was not disabled, why?
    As we are working with a large number of bans, there is always a chance that certain bans could be missed during the mass removal process. In case that applies to you, we invite you to contact us via the appeal system.
    Alle Fragen und Antworten findest du ebenso nochmal in diesem Blog-Post: https://truckersmp.com/blog/270
    Ich hoffe ich konnte hiermit deine Frage beantworten!
    Liebe Grüße,
    TMP Event Team 
  3. HandOfClash's post in Report Limit was marked as the answer   
    Hello @Blackviper105_, 
    To answer your question: 
    1 • Either you got too many reports at the same time, which would be 10 in your case, so that you cannot report anyone else anymore until the latest ones have been checked. 
    Why can I only create 10 reports?
    A: The Game Moderation Team is being asked to rate the quality of the reports. This is being used to help get rid of the majority of useless reports that currently come through the system. The more good reports you submit, the more you will be able to report in the future. The more bad reports you submit, the less you will be able to report, to the point where you are no longer able to.
    Q: I have reached my limit on the report system, what must I do?
    A: You must wait for some of your reports to be dealt with. Once some of your reports have gained positive points from a Game Moderator, you will have a higher report limit.
    2 • Or your report rights have been revoked.
    Q: I've been banned from using the report system. What do I do now?
    A: If you have been banned from the report system and wish to discuss or otherwise know the reasons as to why you have been banned, please head over to the feedback system and submit a ticket to the Game Moderation Management.
    More about the report system itself here: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/10
    I hope I could answer your question! 
    Kind regards, 
    TMP Event Team 
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