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Posts posted by Ratcho

  1. v1.1.1 has been released (2020-06-20)



    • Added the ability to get player's Discord Snowflake
    • Added the ability to get the color of player's group


    • Updated all dependencies


    v1.2.0 has been releasd (2020-07-18)



    • Added if the player is a staff member and/or is part of upper staff
    • Added the ability to get the users Patreon information.


    • Updated composer dependencies
    • Changed the test names to include underscores - this makes the names slightly easier to read
    • HaulieLove 3
  2. The TruckersMP PHP library provides a convenient way to access the TruckersMP API from applications written in the PHP language. It includes a pre-defined set of classes for each API endpoint to get the data as a collection or model.


    You can find the source code on GitHub and view the package on Packagist.



    For installation instructions, please refer to the Installation & Usage page of the Wiki.



    You can find the documentation by visiting the Wiki on GitHub.



    Below is an example of how you can get the name of a player using the client.

    $client = new TruckersMP\APIClient\Client();
    $player = $client->player(28159)->get();
    echo 'The players name is ' . $player->getName();


    For those of you who currenly use the API Client, a new major version was released today (24th December 2019).

    • Like 2
    • Upvote 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, Samiz [FIN] said:

    Maybe shirt with MP logo in front and ETS2/ATS logo/s on back or vice versa, or just only TruckersMP logo :) I would buy at least shirt or/and hoodie.

    Although it would be nice, they would have to be careful with the ETS and ATS logo. I have been in contact with the CEO of SCS Software before regarding the logo on merchandise and they didn't allow it. Might be different as it's a bigger but would be worth checking first :)


    But overall I think it's a good idea.

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