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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by gluk3_0se

  1. If you have hardwired connection, are connected to the nearest server etc. Try closing other applications that may be using the internet. For example, voice communication apps will affect ping (Teamspeak, Skype etc.) Or maybe you have music or something playing from an app (Youtube, Spotify etc.) this will also affect it. Try closing these and share with the forum whether it makes a difference for you.

  2. This could be a graphics issue. Do you play with either low game graphics settings or low graphics card settings? This could be why you can see rain but not the water on the windscreen. If you do then try setting the weather quality setting (I not sure what it is called) to medium or high rather than low or disabled. Let me know if it works. Never had this issue before.

  3. Make sure your game settings show a tick next to the 'fatigue simulation' option. If this is checked and it still does the same it is probably your game transitioning from singleplayer to multiplayer if you have been switching between the two, try to stick with just multiplayer for a while. Let me know if this sorts it?

  4. Convoys are forbidden to start in Rotterdam anyways, So even if this is set as a starting point I am sure someone at some point would A. Either get into trouble or B. Be prevented from starting here before the start time. As long as you don't start any convoys there then that is one less person ;)

    But yeah ^^ Contact the creator of ets2c.com

  5. If you do not wish to do this you could always get trailers that are heading to similar places. Your levels will affect what kinds of loads you will get and how long they are so try and get the same levels etc. This will help with similar loads. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. They work.. But they only work when you are not loaded in the game. Employees work fully in singleplayer but multiplayer doesn't seem to work with the virtual in game drivers. I will look into this more when I am in-game because my money does appear to increase even when I am not on a job.

  7. And, still, in The start og Scandinavian dlc time, The ncz didn't work. And we still managed to both park our trailers, and pick up new ones without much of a problem....



    When not many people owned the DLC and the majority of the trolls would not spend the money on a new DLC. But now there are more I would like to see you try..

  8. -1 -- If you go and find a YouTube video or a forum post back when ETS2MP had no collision zones then you will see why this isn't a bad idea. The roads back up and nobody can move. Impatient drivers decide to overtake causing more issues etc. 


    A video will probably open you up to why we do have non-collision zones. It is safer for everyone :)


    Sorry, I see where you are coming from but it will not end well, for you or anyone else with this idea. It has been an idea that pops up every now and then and it is the same answers each time. Having a separate server sounds good but again.. You will still have the impatient people :(





    No offense, but it's not use to keep arguing with this.


    Company's have teleport spots for quick jobs don't forget. So this wouldn't work either ;)

    • Upvote 1
  9. Yes. If you right click and run as administrator it should work fine. My game does this too. It can be a bit tedious but it is only an extra few clicks right :)


    + I think this may be the mod that shows your truck on the ets2 map. But I don't know. I never got to the bottom of it :(

  10. Mod Version:
    Controllers Used: Not an in-game issue.
    Description of Issue: The forum tag is still saying I am online on EU#2 when I logged out over an hour ago from the opening of this post.
    How to reproduce: Leave a server..
    Screenshots / Videoshttp://prntscr.com/9co8qj


    This may or may not be the case with everyone I just though I would point it out. I have tried page refreshing, browser closing and re-opening etc. If you also find this issue or notice it now that I have pointed it out leave a comment on this post. I don't know whether it is just me or a larger amount of people.


    I think this has only been occurring after the latest update

  11. But it would cause issues for users collecting cargo as they would collect the cargo and be trapped in by reversing trucks etc. Overall this would cause traffic jams, leading to lag + collisions with user telports and quick job points. I like the idea but it isn't the way multiplayer works unfortunately. You can always pretend that this has been implemented ;)

  12. Although I think this is a very good idea think about how much more confusing this will be. Players will be caused to wait, causing traffic. This would make things like ramming, blocking and impatient players come to their full potential. If this was a game where everyone could drive respectfully and everybody could follow the rules then this would be a very good idea. But we don't live in a world where everyone is perfect. So we will get troll and people that are incapable of waiting, not only causing an issue for themselves and the player they are inside of but it will make traffic worse and altogether go down the drain. Also having trucks as collision object would mean trailers would hit them too. Sorry but I have to disagree with this one. But nice idea :)

  13. Your times between your single player and multiplayer games are different. Therefore you are one of the unlucky ones where the job will be late when joining MP. But some people can get lucky and be early for their jobs. It would help if you started the jobs in multiplayer. If you do not have freight market yet, earn some money and buy a truck in single player first.


    Or you can get this starter profile here : http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/158-how-to-get-started-in-multiplayer-with-mods-tips/



  14. ETS2 is being constantly updated but players want the MP up to the latest version as soon as possible. Adding features like this will make the wait even longer if it was even going to be put onto the latest version.


    This is a very good point. I don't think this would work either. Is it really that much of a hassle to load a save? I know the whole loading in the road issue but if you don't want to F7 then how else are you going to repair your truck. Having this feature would also mean trucks will be sat in the road sorting out 'insurance claims' and causing further collision and traffic. So I give this  a -1. But I see what you are trying to say.

  15. +1 This is a very good idea. I have my game in full screen and the time only shows on one of my screens. This is allot safer than pulling up steam and other devices. As long as there is an option in settings to enable/ disable the feature I don't see it being an issue. - Wouldn't it be better in the top yellow bit. This would avoid having problems when people change the transparency of the tab menu?

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