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Community Answers

  1. OmSaL's post in Wifi problem was marked as the answer   
    Hello, @gego78900

    - Try to run the TruckersMP as administrator.
    - If you are using any mods turn them off
    - Turn off antivirus 
    - Turn off firewall
    - Can you please try using your phone to for tethering? [Using your phone as a Wi-Fi connection] phone connections are better than WIFI connections.
    - You can try to verify the integrity of the game, and then open the VPN start TruckersMP connected to the server.
    - Please avoid spawning in crowded cities. [Duisburg-Calais etc.]

    Also you can get support here by creating a ticket. 🙂 

  2. OmSaL's post in unreliable connection was marked as the answer   
    Hello, @keksek
    First off, thank you for creating a topic and welcome to the TruckersMP forum!
    Unreliable Connection kick mostly happens when your PC can't handle with so many players loading at once near you. To avoid that, you need to put lower graphics, avoid spawning in the crowded area and close all unnecessary processes like browser/Antivirus before you join the server.
    Greetings! ? 
  3. OmSaL's post in Meaning of shortcuts used in TruckersMP was marked as the answer   
    Hello, @[BTR] It'sRatul

    First off, thank you for creating a topic and welcome to the TruckersMP forum!

    o/ This is a way of greeting! ? 

    Kind Regards,

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