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Veteran Driver IX
 TruckersMP Profile
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Community Answers

  1. J&B^'s post in ATS MP Check was marked as the answer   
    You need to play 2h minimum on solo before. Check on steam
  2. J&B^'s post in [RESOLU] Problème avec : Check Now was marked as the answer   
    Assure toi que tu as bien 2 heures de jeu avant de checker
  3. J&B^'s post in How to play ATS in singeplayer? was marked as the answer   
    Just start the game in Steam..
  4. J&B^'s post in ATS Multiplayer? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, read this: https://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/24083-very-important-information-64bit/
  5. J&B^'s post in Turn off snow was marked as the answer   
    You need to turn off the seasons effects, in the TAB settings
  6. J&B^'s post in TS3 Ban and not able to unban was marked as the answer   
    You need to change your nickname before the connexion, before joining the server

  7. J&B^'s post in Help mee fast.. was marked as the answer   
    It's a mistake by Admin, you had to have 3days, but admin made a mistake in the command and he will correct this fastly.
  8. J&B^'s post in Connection issuses was marked as the answer   
    EU1 Server -> 1.eu.game.ets2mp.com ->
  9. J&B^'s post in New Reporting System Help was marked as the answer   
    Yes, you have space to put link http://prntscr.com/7wlvc4 (you need to upload your video on youtube or your picture on noelshack or something similar)
  10. J&B^'s post in Steam - game does not launch was marked as the answer   
    Please downgrade your ets version to on Steam (right click on game - properties - bêtas)
  11. J&B^'s post in I cannot post topic on ban appealing was marked as the answer   
    You can't make a Ban Appeal because you are not banned
  12. J&B^'s post in activaton help was marked as the answer   
    I resent you a activation mail, please check new time mailbox and junk/spam mail
  13. J&B^'s post in Problem with own Corp (drivers and garage) was marked as the answer   
    You can post your problem on SCS forums
  14. J&B^'s post in Cant download the 1.9 patch was marked as the answer   
    Try to disconnect and reconnect on ETS2MP.com (maybe a authentification problem) and try to download with normal button.
  15. J&B^'s post in Ingame chat text was marked as the answer   
    Make a suggestion here: http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/forum/8-suggestions/
    Don't forget to follow the correct format
  16. J&B^'s post in How do I open chat? was marked as the answer   
    y or F9
  17. J&B^'s post in Invalid email or password was marked as the answer   
    Open a ticket in support
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