Community Answers
J&B^'s post in ATS MP Check was marked as the answer
You need to play 2h minimum on solo before. Check on steam
J&B^'s post in [RESOLU] Problème avec : Check Now was marked as the answer
Assure toi que tu as bien 2 heures de jeu avant de checker
J&B^'s post in How to play ATS in singeplayer? was marked as the answer
Just start the game in Steam..
J&B^'s post in ATS Multiplayer? was marked as the answer
Yes, read this:
J&B^'s post in Turn off snow was marked as the answer
You need to turn off the seasons effects, in the TAB settings
J&B^'s post in TS3 Ban and not able to unban was marked as the answer
You need to change your nickname before the connexion, before joining the server
J&B^'s post in Help mee fast.. was marked as the answer
It's a mistake by Admin, you had to have 3days, but admin made a mistake in the command and he will correct this fastly.
J&B^'s post in Connection issuses was marked as the answer
EU1 Server -> ->
J&B^'s post in New Reporting System Help was marked as the answer
Yes, you have space to put link (you need to upload your video on youtube or your picture on noelshack or something similar)
J&B^'s post in Steam - game does not launch was marked as the answer
Please downgrade your ets version to on Steam (right click on game - properties - bêtas)
J&B^'s post in I cannot post topic on ban appealing was marked as the answer
You can't make a Ban Appeal because you are not banned
J&B^'s post in activaton help was marked as the answer
I resent you a activation mail, please check new time mailbox and junk/spam mail
J&B^'s post in Problem with own Corp (drivers and garage) was marked as the answer
You can post your problem on SCS forums
J&B^'s post in Cant download the 1.9 patch was marked as the answer
Try to disconnect and reconnect on (maybe a authentification problem) and try to download with normal button.
J&B^'s post in Ingame chat text was marked as the answer
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