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Veteran Driver IV
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Posts posted by Sowren

  1. Welcome to my gallery!

    I will share my best pictures with you here.


    Let's start with the first picture. A picture from the Fruity Freight Fiesta (2023) event!


    • Like 2
    • Awesome! 3
  2. I don't know what 2023 was like for people, but based on the stats, it looks like it was a great year for TruckersMP!:mlg_doge: The hours played and report stats are fascinating! It's obvious that the VTCs also had a big contributing factor in these numbers. There were some really great events organized this year. Thanks to everyone who contributed, including the VTCs and the TruckersMP team!

    Don't forget to turn on your lights! :LUL:

    • Woah! 1
  3. Sometimes I play in singleplayer to have a pleasant time while sipping my coffee. ☕:thisisfine: When I play in singleplayer, I drive at 70-80-90 km/h to have a safe journey.
    Sometimes I play in TruckersMP to have fun with my friends. Then I drive at higher speeds (between 90-110 km/h)

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  4. I'd like to share some of my keys with you :thisisfine:

    W: Forward
    A: Look Left
    S: Brake
    D: Look Right 
    Q: Quick Save
    Mouse LB: Left Indicator
    Mouse RB: Right Indicator
    Mouse Macro 1: Horn
    Mouse Macro 2: Light Horn
    Scroll Wheel: Zoom Interior Camera
    Wheel Up: Retarder Increase
    Wheel Down: Retarder Decrease

    The key I use the most is Q. It's very useful to get quick save on the Duisburg-Calais road. 😁

  5. The TruckersMP team is constantly releasing new updates in the cities of Calais, Duisburg and on the road, but I'm sure most of the players (except beginners) are bored with this road. The only reason this road is crowded is because the other roads are empty. No one wants to drive alone on an empty highway. ETS2 has a map that is too large for TruckersMP players to be evenly distributed (along with DLCs). That's why it's so normal for players to gather in a certain area. It's up to us to find another popular road.

  6. Although it sounds nice at first, I think it doesn't make much sense. It will be very difficult to test so many players. Since this is already a simulation, banning trolls seems like a better option. Bugs or other methods can be used to pass the exam. Also, if such a project were to happen, TruckersMP might not seem to trust the players and it wouldn't be nice. The majority of players will stop playing the game. If we want to separate more professional drivers from others,  there may be servers that require some playing time (such as 750+ hours). But I don't think there's a need for that.

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