Posts posted by Broker
1. Go to "Task Manager" and End all ETS2 Apps or Background processes.
2. Run TruckersMP Launcher ''as Administrator''
3. download latest version
try these let me know if it helped.
Try all this and let me know it worked or not. And also check if you have Xbox DVR On if it is then disable it.
Hope you will fix it.
To avoiding hard Drops, you have to change a few Settings in the Ingame Options, the TruckersMP Options and the Driver Options.
Depending Killafragzilla´s Hardware i suggest the following Settings:
- Enable Vsync It is always better to having a Stable FPS Rate around 60 than often a Jumping between 180 till 45 or lower.
- Set Scale to 400%
- Disable MLAA
- Disable DOF
- Set all following Quality Settings to max.
- Disable Anisotropic Filtering by moving the Slider to the left Side.
Follow Baldemar Deutsch´s Guide to open the MP Settings. By the Way, Baldemar have to make new Screenshots, this Ones are outdated!
Depending on your Internet Connection and your PC Spec´s, the following Setting Increasing or Decreasing the Graphic Performance and your own Lags or your Lagging to other User.
- Development Logging
- Smoothing Distance
- Load Cabin Accessoires
- Load Flags
- Aditional Lights
- Draw Distance
The easiest way would be just to find some new profile with money in it.
Right click on TruckersMP - properties and check ''Run as Administrator'' pretty much usually fixes problems, let me know if it works or not.
Do you use some mods maybe ? Because something is not right with your lights. If you use mods just uninstall your ETS 2 and clear folder as well. And then just follow these steps to not put something illegal.
§3.1 - Truck modding
Go to "Task Manager" and select with left click ''END'' all ETS2 Apps or Background processes.
Go to "Task Manager" and select with left click ''END'' all ETS2 Apps or Background processes.
Just do ''reset navigation'' maybe you some how miss clicked on the map and that's why it shows you wrong direction.
Now all servers have speed limiter set to 150 km/h so you can't change it, drive slow and be safe.
You can use them in MP
1 minute ago, Graywolf. said:
This already happens. When someone got a perma ban "before the new rules" they would buy the game and start a new steam account....People need to worry less about what others do and just play the game.
Ehh I know that this happens already, but it will happen more and more. If people will worry less then whats going to happen ? if nobody will care this will going to turn a bigger mess which one later in future going to be unstoppable. So we have to worry about this and do something so that this doesn't happen.
11 minutes ago, HumaneWolf said:
If it shows up empty when you view your data dump: Try a different browser. Seems to be a browser issue when I looked closer at it. Still investigating.
If they re register with the same steam the ban will persist. If they re registered with a different steam they would avoid the ban anyway.
Regardless, this update was necessary. We are legally obligated to allow users to delete their account and their personal information.
Well since in our days ETS 2 costs a pretty cheap and Steam account is for free so yeah they can make dozens accounts and here we go.
Yes I understand that this was obligated, but maybe in future there can be some solution for ban evaders, because for now it looks kind of big mess.
I think this is the end, because imagine every troll which ones had been banned, now they just delete they're accounts and take new ones, I can only say this update was very bad.
Because from now on every server has a speed limit 150 km/h
§3.3 - Car modding
Put on Steam and TruckersMP ''Run as Administrator'' pretty much often fixes issues.
Did you added some mods or something in Single Player ?
Because if you did, TruckersMP mostly doesn't support any mods and that can cause you some lags and problems.
Could be some admin kicked you by mistake so make sure to check log files there should be two ways you ''you have been kicked by the system'' which is auto kick or ''you have been kicked by [admin name]''
Maybe you downgraded to the 1.30 version ? if yes then just select ''NONE'' and it will download the latest version.
Get in game press Tab/Settings make sure you have those checked
Make sure to test your microphone and using in game mic its like push to talk but ''X'' should work just make sure everything is checked in settings
Good luck I hope it will help
Maybe you did a lot of ''F7'' travelling to the repair shop ? if yes that is counting lot of hours.
Good job, good luck with that
etsmp2 dont start
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