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Community Answers

  1. MatzeOnTour's post in Skoda Engine Tuning was marked as the answer   
    thank you for creating a forum topic.

    You can't put any other engine in your scout car for TruckersMP. Putting an engine of a truck in a car will result in a kick from the server due to mixing car and truck parts. Therefore, you can just use the stock engine available in the shop for TruckersMP. If you just want to use the stronger engine of the truck for Singleplayer, then it should work. ?
    If you want to have a stronger engine in Singleplayer, you can use a scout mod such as the following: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1409820600&searchtext=skoda
    Kind regards
    TruckersMP Support
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