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Posts posted by Voltera

  1. Banner.png


    Make sure you use supplied eventprofile, so that every truck is the same. You can find it in the discord server.
    Please RSVP so we are able to replicate the commercial in the perfect conditions!


    Date: 14-12-2019 (dd-mm-yyyy)
    Server: Event Server
    Time (Gathering): 14:00 GMT
    Time (Leaving): ± 14:30 GMT
    Location: Bus stop, Las Vegas
    Discord: https://discord.gg/3CkG5Ce
    Route: TBA
    RSVP: https://ets2c.com/view/83810/viva-nl-steco-las-vegas-bus-station


  2. Hi Truckers!

    Saturday the 5th of October we want to drive together on the roads of 'Europe'.
    We will start at Plymouth and drive towards Mannheim.

    Please be present at 20:00 CEST so we can leave a few minutes later.
    Make sure your CB is working so we can communicate in-game.

    Our partners are joining as well, if you have a VTC and want to join us, please let me know.

    Don't forget to fuel up before showing up.


    Date: 05-10-2019 (dd-mm-yyyy)
    Server: Simulation 2
    Time (Gathering): 20:00 CEST
    Time (Leaving): ± 20:15 CEST
    Location: Sea Harbour, Plymouth
    Discord: Please contact Voltera#5039 for more info.
    Route: https://imgur.com/a/wqt1oHT
    RSVP: https://ets2c.com/view/83094/voltera-plymouth-sea-port


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