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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Posts posted by Adde_

  1. So you can get yourself spamned on the road and crash someone else because you got crashed into and start an endless loop?

    If you cause an accident, then they should be banned. If they don't cause an accident, they shouldn't be banned.

    When I first read it, I thought that anyone that spawned on the road, even if they don't cause an accident should get banned. :P But yes, if they do cause one, they should be banned.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Suggestion Name: Adding a clock to the TAB-menu.

    Suggestion Description: Having a clock in the TAB-menu to be able to check the time. :P

    Any example images:


    Why should it be added?: It would be much easier (and safer) to add a clock than having to open up Steam or check a phone/tablet/what you might have with a clock in it. It would also be easier when you're reporting someone. :)

    • Upvote 11
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