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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by QUIRINO

  1. yesterday in france,


  2. Farol de Milha Redondo ou Farol Auxiliar Redondo ! JWgdMoZtT9W9ewOlXzXu4Q.png


    Sentado numa cadeira de aço Enferrujada e bebendo Cada copo americano enganava o meu sofrimento Achei que eu tivesse esquecido A danada naquela hora Até ver seu nome escrito na lata de coca-cola 37920477204_e3dfef5038_o.png

  4. Special Transportation - American Truck Simulator Multiplayer


  5. start of the multiplayer alpha in which the trailer bugged:lol:


    1. I WAS LA ON LAUNCH DAY!7ArgtfZmR8WnjHQOXx_2Xg.jpgKoAo5meZRRm_0tGjqpIiWw.jpg
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