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Veteran Driver VI
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  1. Bastet.'s post in [ANSWERED] Can you skip the 12 months recruitment requirement? was marked as the answer   
    Why do we have a requirement for the TruckersMP account to be at least 12 months old, before being able to apply for staff positions?
    When it comes to your TruckersMP account having to be at least 12 months old, before you can consider applying, the reason behind it is very simple.
    During recruitments, the first reason why the 12 months requirement is set, is because we look for people that have enough experience and knowledge in our community, to have a basic understanding of someone our guidelines, rules, and systems. That way when new staff members are hired, they are already aware of some of the procedures, which simply allows for a better quality of work for both them and the community receiving better service. 
    Another reason why there is a 12 months old account requirement, is for Management to be able to verify your activity. Users with just one or two month's old accounts are hard to judge when it comes to their activity either in-game or on our communication media (eg. Discord, Forum). With someone, who's been in the community for at least a year, there's more data to review and make a decision whether that applicant is indeed actively a part of the community, or just becoming active during recruitments, which is something we do not want to see. 
    To sum up everything, the 12 months old account requirement allows our Management to know that the applicant has at least some knowledge in regards to our rules and guidelines, as well as provides enough data to somewhat accurately determine if they are actually active or just temporarily.
    I hope my answer helped you understand some of our recruitment procedures. Have a nice day!
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