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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by S2020

  1. Suggestion Name: Guild / Company interface using Steam Groups

    Suggestion Description: As you know Steam allows players to create groups with long name, short name... It will be nice to turn this advantage into a full in-game guild options without needing of any additional database. (url: http://steamcommunity.com/actions/GroupCreate )


    1. Login screen will have option to use your FLAG or not. If you choose, Flag of your Steam Profile will be added (it may also be switch with Steam Profile Picture thumbnail too but that makes extra loading time for every truck passing by)

    2. If you are member of a group, you will have group abbrevation under your name with different color (in this case cyan)

    3. Command /gu (reserving /g from groups) will send message to all of your Steam group members, will appear (in this case cyan) text box where you see all normal text you see now. (ex: /gu hi!)

    4. People will invite / accept / kick members all from Steam, not from Mod.

    Any example images:


    Why should it be added?:

    a. That will ease crowd-control of administrators, also helps dealing issues with guild (Steam group) leader.

    b. Will help to remove too long names already added by player such as [GUILDNAME] NAME [COUNTRY] etc. and all from profile names.

    c. Will help making stronger communities, appeal to better experience for players and ethiquette amongst companies (that can not be immitated with Steam protection) will help improve overall quality.

    • Upvote 2
  2. And what if a convoy decide to remove people in front of them , remove people passing by or convoy wants faster road in EP, lets votekick everyone close since you are big in number? 


    Seriously people stop thinking everyone is naive and good-hearted...

    • Upvote 1
  3. I use 1844 , with 410 HP , I ofcourse can not speed up like a Mercedes-Benz S series car... like I can not IRL too, not sure why you guys imagine "slow" traffic in highways causing accidents, due to lag/sync issues, opposite actually does... I rarely go over 70 km/h when I'm towing 20+ tons of load... Sorry to play it as a simulator...

  4. +1 for this idea, easier to notice players,


    Yet I have a feeling this could bring out also worst in "some" players as well... Could be optional from login menu of MP

  5. I don't know why SCS never considered doing a simple touch but, "single file" = "flare.dds" can achieve so much in visibility.... Especially looking from your mirror...  These lights are large for objects far like IRL








    Suggestion Name: Simple Flare.DDS addition for better viewing of other truckers
    Suggestion Description: Addition of a flare DDS which is "mipmap edited" which makes flares of far trucks better, similiar to IRL implementation of what "headlights" supposed to do.
    Any example images: 




    Why should it be added? It is really hard to see other trucks , both in SCS game or winter mod. That's because SCS looked for better view rather than functionality which becomes vitally important for multiplayer. Especially in dark of the night, you barely see other trucks from your mirror until they are so close, this is to prevent all the accidental ramming etc. This is best flare.dds I could find as "functionality" , works for vanilla game and does what it says. Also tail lights , breaks SHINE in the dark even for far trucks.  Original topic is here: Original Topic from SCS forums: http://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=96962

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