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Veteran Driver VI
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Posts posted by TanFlicks

  1. This would be good if the trucks would also be limited to 120 and the cars to 140 then it would make sense. But if the car is limited only then the while purpose of it is erased because the truck would go faster

  2. Redownload the DLC by going to Steam Library, Right click ETS2 > properties > DLC tab > untick Heavy Cargo and 5 seconds after it deletes it tick it again so it downloads and it should fix it.

  3. Suggestion Name: /refuel Command
    Suggestion Description: In convoys or on the road I have seen a lot of poor lads crying because they couldn't reach the fuel station for 100 meters so they could get petrol. This makes pretty much everyone sad and the trolls happy :troll: 
    What if there was a command like /fix but this one doesn't fix your truck but it's /refuel and it fills your tank up for about 60 or 80 litres so you could make that one shoe distance to the gas station.
    This command should have a cooldown of 15 or 20 minutes. And also it would be the devs choice if they want this command when the truck is stopped or while it is still going.

    Any example images: Not needed :/

    Why should it be added?:

    So you could reach the petrol station, it would make everything easier since you don't need to f7.

    • Upvote 8
    • HaulieCry 3
  4. Suggestion Name: Friends colored in the Player List
    Suggestion Description: In a crowded area it's really hard to find your friend's information or how far away he is from you in the Player List. It would be very helpful for the name of your friend to be in a different color (for ex.: green) than the other names and it would be very helpful if your friend was also on top of everyone or there would be a button named "Friends Nearby" or something else, on the Player List to show your friends only and not 60 people. (Also wouldn't be bad if your own name was in a different color but its already in the top I think so no need for that)

    Also would be good if you could choose what colors you want your friends to be as in the list from the options menu.


    Any example images


    If my friend was Yoda_Fire his name would be all in green or some other color, different from the other people that have their names in white.

    So " 198 Yoda_Fire 238ms 204.2m " would all be in another color so I can distinguish him as a friend from the other people that I don't know.


    Why should it be added?: It would be easier to find your friend on the Player List

    • Upvote 9
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