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Veteran Driver V
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Posts posted by toysrusdeathsquad

  1. On 12/20/2017 at 2:16 AM, Emiliya said:

    Hallo @toysrusdeathsquad,


    you may also try teleporting to Service (this will cause the game to set the freight market time forward) to generate new jobs. The problem is that the game (or especially the freight market job generation) does not react simultaneously to the changed time of the server. You need to force the game to sync the freight market. Once you did that, you will see that your drivers earned some money while you have been offline and you got new jobs.


    The problem is not about having no jobs, you just don‘t see them as they are all expired (around 70 hours valid from last online, the server time proceeds while your game is offline). When you login, the time syncs and is set e.g. 120 hours later, and all jobs are „expired“ so you can‘t accept them. Doing a sync as described above (sleeping, F7 + Enter, aborting current job, or fast traveling between two garages that are far away from each other) will solve that.


    Try also to set the fatigue to Yes, note that the time is much slower than single player so it will take much longer to fill the meter.


    Hope that helped a bit and cleared it up


    Regards Emiliya



    Thank you! This worked for me and now I can continue playing the game.  It's a little inconvenient but not frustrating like before.  Thank you so much.

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  2. On 12/19/2017 at 3:46 PM, Lukavsky said:


    You can enable fatigue simulation in MP. (Settings/Gameplay)

    But try download new profile,you can download here





    Thanks for the profile, I will use this on my Euro Truck account. 


    I also have the fatigue setting activated on my American Truck MP but I never accumulate any fatigue and it always tells me I cannot sleep because I am not tired. It will NEVER go away.

  3. I'm really new to this TruckersMP community, and I have searched the forums and could not find an answer.  

    I play solo on multiplayer, I prefer this multiplayer to single player.  However, I am upset that after every job or every other job, I have to return home and reset economy.  I've dealt with that for a little while now, I cannot sleep because for some reason fatigue does not work in multiplayer mod? Now, I finally saved up to expand garage and hire a driver and buy a new truck.  But hired drivers do not drive in multiplayer either. I return to single player and everything is normal.  But the game is unplayable on multiplayer mod.   Just wondering if these things will be fixed or if this is just how the game is?

    Edit: I'm playing on American Truck Simulator.  I used to play Euro Truck Sim.  I remember the economy having to be reset occasionally but not every haul or every other haul.  I don't remember how the hired drivers worked either, I'm going to try playing it again to see if it works.

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