Community Answers
Creatured's post in You must select valid American Truck Simulator path was marked as the answer
just unselect ats during install
Creatured's post in DirectX Menu was marked as the answer
remove launcher.dat from the ets2mp folder
Creatured's post in Forum name changed for me? was marked as the answer
your forum username is now the same as on if you want it changed change it there.
Creatured's post in Can't login on ETS2mp when you have the game with steam share was marked as the answer
nope you can't play with family sharing on another account
Creatured's post in Just a simple question was marked as the answer
use /pinfo then the ingame ID it will spit out ETS2MP ID and Steam ID64
if you haven't seen his ID, use /search <part of the username>
Creatured's post in Playing online without Steam was marked as the answer
not possible he needs a steam account with euro truck simulator 2 on it if he has the dvd version he can redeem the code he used on steam to convert the game to steam without re buying it on steam
Creatured's post in raising money problem was marked as the answer
Those are your hired workers getting you the money you dont get whilst playing mp
Creatured's post in could not Inject dll was marked as the answer
Downgrade back to via the beta's tab on steam
Creatured's post in Controller Not Working was marked as the answer
try restarting the pc and run ets2mp with administrative permissions
Creatured's post in ETS2MP Client Mac? was marked as the answer
wont happen if you want to get ets2mp get bootcamp on it and install windows but this isnt possible since the developers dont have mac's + the fact that macs are expensive
Creatured's post in help me admin was marked as the answer
ETS2C isnt affiliated with ETS2MP in anyway shape or form what i would do is change your channel password