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Veteran Driver VII
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About xboyeru

  • Birthday 01/10/1988

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  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Elko
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    Romania: Bucharest
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    English, Espanol, Română

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  1. anybody think of a solution with all those bad players from C-D road? :)  

    there it has to be done something in the future, IS TO MESSY RIGHT NOW!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. xboyeru


      i will love it :D lol.... if i had a better computer! ....

      if i go there my pc frames will drop below 10, is hard to drive like that :)  

    3. Guest


      This has been brought up by a lot of players and there is simply nothing that can be done about those who act crazy causing us professional drivers issues while driving on the game. I was in that area yesterday and Jesus Christ some of the crap that I saw just does not even faze me anymore. I see so much when i haul cargo through there I just watch the road and hope I can make it through the " Death Road " unharmed. Overtaking is stupid in such a highly congested area but the ones who do overtake do not care about those who are around them. Then you have those who overtake and then suddenly stop in front of you which in result causes the player behind them to veer into the oncoming lane to avoid making contact with the player who overtook them. Had this happen to me yesterday and i went into the other lane. Luckily no one was coming because if they had been well I would have had no choice but to hit the car. and to make things worse I was doing like 60mph. 

    4. xboyeru


      the worst terrible thing there, is when you have to go left in a intersection, and they keep coming from the other side and you can go left but you have to stop, there's inevitable to not bi hit by a player who come like a crazy from your back .....that road is terrible, if i will go there again, it will be with a little skoda car! .....otherwise i just make another route!! 

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