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After much fiddling around I got v1.37 to work and started to MP again. All my gamesaves were rendered incompatible, so I cheerully started a new campaign.

I finished a very short job, less than 300km and got a "Late" penalty, discounting ALL of the XP and the money.

In the checkout chart it was stated that I was late by 22.000~hrs.

I get the feeling this is a config error between my connection and the server's own date/time config.

How can I avoid this kind of problem?


Thanks for any info you can provide on this subject.




4 answers to this question

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Hello :) 

This error about: to disappear the labor market loads and also the late loads, are common mistakes in TruckersMP.

  • Recommendations and explanations about your problem:
  • With regard to delayed loads at the time of delivery at the destination, it happens, because if you started loading on the offline and continued work in multiplayer (or any similar situation) will happen the same problem. Always start and finish a job in multiplayer or you can try for World Of Trucks (I do not use this system of loads, but I recommend you try, it seems to be more secure in relation to these errors)
  • Due to the time in-game that runs continuously on our TMP servers. 
  • When compared to how time pauses/stops when you press F1/ESC Menu/Radio/Settings etc. in Single Player. 
  • If you have no load on the job market and are in multiplayer, just go to a workshop, hotel, garage or any other place you sleep. After you arrive at this location and you are parked where it appears if you want to sleep or not, you hit enter to sleep and then check your labor market if there was any load or not. You can also try using World Of Trucks (speed limited to 90km/h) or use load synchronizers other than WOT

Follow these guides to fix it

Solution 1: 

Start the game in MP. Rest/Fast Travel to any garages or to any service centres. Check your job lists to see if it's loaded. Select job and continue on your way.


Solution 2: (This synchronises your time in game across the MP servers with your SP game)

  • Start the game in MP. Rest/Fast Travel to any garages or to any service centres. Check your job lists to see if it's loaded. Save the game. Quit. 
  • Start the game in SP. Select job and teleport using the dev console to location/pick up your trailer (if freight market jobs). Save the game. Quit. 
  • Start the game in MP and continue on your way. 

Soltuion 3:

  • You should try to rescue to service F7 + Enter (this sometimes resets your economy)
  • You should try to sleep (only a temporary fix, but is not guaranteed to fix economy)
  • You should teleport to another garage
  • Economy reset. This solution will reset and repopulate your jobs list / freight market and return you to your home garage.

Reset your economy job

Guide here


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That post Chris pointed solves the problem, or at least "explains" it, so I considered this topic 'solved' too.

I'll re-iterate the explanation here, just for the sake of anyone bumping into this topic instead of the other one when trying to solve or understand the same issue.

As I said, I had to 'restart' my campaign, due to savegame incompatibility.

While doing this, at first you don't have a truck of your own, so you can only take 'Quick Jobs', with 'start' in OFFLINE, then put you in GHOST and finally, when the handshake is completed, you appear fully ONLINE.

When this scenario occurs (you start a job 'offline' and finish it 'fully online'), the 'error' happens.

To avoid it, simply make sure to always start jobs while already fully 'ONLINE'.

How to make sure you're fully ONLINE when starting out a new campaign and taking Quick Jobs? We can't.

What I'm going to do is play offline until I can afford my first truck (it should take less than 5 jobs and a bank loan), and from then on, with my own truck drive around any city for less than 1 minute until I'm fully ONLINE and drive to a 'Job Pickup' marker.



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