Nandru Posted July 3, 2020 Report Posted July 3, 2020 Hi! I installed the new summer mod pack into ETS2MP and since then its always raining... Any tip on how to prevent/fix that? Thanks!
0 Dylаn Posted July 3, 2020 Report Posted July 3, 2020 You can adjust the rain probability settings in 'Options>Gameplay>Rain Probability'. Slide the slider to the left for less rain, and right for more rain. After changing the settings, try sleeping. The weather should become clear. Dylan | Steam | TruckersMP | Twitter | Discord: .Dylan#0001
0 Encrypted_ Posted July 3, 2020 Report Posted July 3, 2020 Hey @Nandru, There is a way to fix this which I've listed below for you! Solution One - Gameplay Settings: Spoiler Have you made sure your rain probability in your Gameplay settings is off/very low? Solution Two - Console Command: Spoiler If you have previously used the Developer Console on ETS2, there is a very helpful command to change the weather. You can type "g_set_weather 0" - also as shown below: The last digit at the end of the String indicates what preset weather you would like to change to. You can play around with these, but, "0" is clear and sunny. Regards, Encrypted_ "one day you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember"
0 ZefojGaming Posted July 3, 2020 Report Posted July 3, 2020 Hi @Nandru, the weather in mp isnt changing when youre driving. For example if its raining in sp and you load mp its still raining. If you put the probability at the lowest it won't change. My weather is changing when i go by boat or farry. Dont know if you tried it. In singleplayer you can change the weather quickly by using a command which is linked below. Im not sure if it works with mp but its worth a try. Here's the link. Its almost at the end of the article: ZefojGaming TruckersMP | Master Trucker Rules | Recruitment | Support | Feedback | Meet the Team | Guides | Suggestions Regler | Rekruttering | Support | Feedback | Mød Teamet | Guider | Forslag
0 DerAmpelmann Posted July 3, 2020 Report Posted July 3, 2020 Hello! I find that the rain probability tends to malfunction in TMP, summer mod or not. Once it starts raining it rarely stops before the next time you connect to the server. I don't know why it's that way, so when I get enough of the rain I just put the rain probability all the way down to disable it altogether. This is not the ideal solution, but I hope I could help. Regards, DerAmpelmann Ready to go!
0 NightSword^ Posted July 3, 2020 Report Posted July 3, 2020 Dear @Nandru , Has your question been answered ? Let us know Regards, TruckersMP - Forum Moderator Staff since 2017 _______________ Languages: French ~ English ~ Spanish Open a Support Ticket | Appeal your Ban | Report a Player | Join us !
0 Nandru Posted July 3, 2020 Author Report Posted July 3, 2020 (edited) Wow! Thanks for those quick response! It was 2 AM here when I made that post so just now I have some spare time from work to answer.. I'll try to answer each in order: When it started I was in the UK, now I'm in France and 3 real-world days later still rains.. (however, I took those trains through the Le Manche channel and not a ferry I've tried to put the slider all the way to the left, but did not sleep after doing so, last time I tried to sleep it crashed the game and in the next login, put me on the middle of some random road, luckily I was alone... Last time I played single player on ETS was at the Genoa bridge event and IIRC it wasn't raining.. Still, after that I had all this time on "normal" MP without a single rainy day. I did not had access to the developer console, but will try. I guess there are some guides on how to do it, will search them after work and report back! I've logged in and out a lot of times since installing the mod and still rains Will first try to sleep now that the slider is to the left. If none of those work, Ill just have to remove the mod and play like that Thanks again for all the suggestions and quick response! EDIT2: ok, so I daled back the rain probability slider and went to sleep, this time in a hotel. The game didin't crash and the rain was gone! So, thans again to ewverybody who proposed soluitions! Edited July 3, 2020 by Nandru Adding info
0 Krisi Posted July 7, 2020 Report Posted July 7, 2020 Hello there! We are glad to hear that you were able to solve your issue. Thank you to everyone for helping here! If you require more help in the future, please do not hesitate to create another Topic or a Support Ticket. Kind Regards, Krisi1051 TruckersMP - Support //locked and moved to Solved Topics. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules | Support | Feedback | Guides | Ban Appeal Szabályzat | Támogatás | Visszajelzés | Tudásbázis | Fellebbezés ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TruckersMP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I installed the new summer mod pack into ETS2MP and since then its always raining...
Any tip on how to prevent/fix that?
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