Popular Post poland.ball Posted March 15, 2020 Popular Post Report Posted March 15, 2020 Suggestion Name: Skoda SuperB Remaking Part 2 Suggestion Description: Hi. First of all, the current car we have has a lot of bugs. Considering FMOD coming soon with rollable windows, the car should get its next improvement update. I have summed up here some ideas that will make more fun driving the vehicle. - besides the caravan, a roofbox (image included) - adding the SCS Truck paintjobs for the car aswell, for more customization especially for company cars - More rims (can be taken from SCS AI vehicles aswell) (inspired by local-savegame editing where you can saveedit AI tires onto the car) - rollable windows for both sides - fixing windscreen wipers - More interior customization, such as hanging toys, navigation, and so on - A normal trailer where you can haul boxes, small cars,.. Any example images: Yes, roofbox: (roofbox is private mod) Why should it be added?: The ideas mentioned above are partly adding more realism, but the paintjobs and interior customization add more customization possibilities for the players aswell. Having the same, clear interior everywhere is getting annoying! The roofbox is also a great travelling (holidays) add-on besides the caravan aswell, considering the caravan is a bit wobbly when driving on the highway. Windscreen wipers and rollable windows are I believe self-explainable. And for anyone thinking, it's a truck simulation game, yes, that's true, but the car is a great addon to the highways only filled with trucks! I would personally like more variarity of vehicles on the highway, and not only the same looking trucks. The car is great for roleplaying or chilling and driving, and I feel the ideas mentioned above could improve the experience. PS.: For my personal skoda mod, I improved the engine power to make the acceleration better. However, considering trolls, I have my doubts that this will happen anytime in TMP. 6 39
TeamDeer Posted April 4, 2020 Report Posted April 4, 2020 Hello @poland.ball, Thank you so much for your suggestion. Since we do plan on updating the car in the future, this topic will be opened for community discussion. // Open for Discussion 1 1 4
Chemistry_TMP Posted April 4, 2020 Report Posted April 4, 2020 +1 I really like this accessaries. Chemistry_TMP TeamAudi Project Manager
Giorgio on the Road [ESP] Posted April 6, 2020 Report Posted April 6, 2020 El 15/3/2020 a las 10:54, poland.ball dijo: Nombre de sugerencia: Skoda SuperB Remaking Parte 2 Descripción de la sugerencia: Hola. En primer lugar, el auto actual que tenemos tiene muchos errores. Teniendo en cuenta que FMOD llegará pronto con ventanas inscribibles, el automóvil recibirá su próxima actualización de mejora. Él resumió aquí algunas ideas que harán más divertido conducir el vehículo. - Además de la caravana, una caja de techo (imagen incluida) - agregar también los trabajos de pintura SCS Truck para el automóvil, para una mayor personalización especialmente para los automóviles de la empresa - Más llantas (también pueden tomarse de los vehículos SCS AI) (inspiradas en la edición local de juegos guardados donde puedes guardar las llantas AI en el auto) - ventanas matriculables para ambos lados - fijación de limpiaparabrisas - Más personalización interior, como colgar juguetes, navegación, etc. Cualquier imagen de ejemplo: Sí, roofbox: (Roofbox es mod privado) ¿Por qué debería agregarse? Las ideas previamente mencionadas en parte aceptan más realismo, pero los trabajos de pintura y la personalización interior también aceptan más posibilidades de personalización para los jugadores. ¡Tener el mismo interior despejado en todas las partes se está volviendo molesto! El roofbox también es un gran complemento para viajar (vacaciones) además de la caravana también, teniendo en cuenta que la caravana se tambalea un poco cuando se conduce por la carretera. Los limpiaparabrisas y las ventanas matriculables son, creo, autoexplicables. Y para cualquiera que piense, es un juego de simulación de camiones, sí, es cierto, ¡pero el automóvil es un gran complemento para las carreteras solo llenas de camiones! Personalmente, me gustaría tener más variedad de vehículos en la carretera, y no solo los camiones con el mismo aspecto. El automóvil es ideal para jugar roles o para relajarse y conducir, y creo que las ideas afectadas podrían mejorar la experiencia. PD.: Para mi mod de skoda personal, mejor potencia del motor para mejorar la aceleración. Sin embargo, consideró los trolls, tengo mis dudas de que esto suceda en cualquier momento en TMP . I love it, I support it!
A random Elk (D) Posted April 6, 2020 Report Posted April 6, 2020 +1 , I like it. Maybe also add the superb combi? 1
Owen. Posted May 13, 2020 Report Posted May 13, 2020 Love the expansion on the car. It's much needed in my opinion. I agree with your idea of variation on the roads, as much as people use the cars to troll, they can also use trucks in the same way. I see no negative to expanding on the car and making it more customizable. Hope at least some of your mentioned features are added Support | KB | Feedback | Appeal | Recruitment | Reports
ScaniaFan89 Posted May 14, 2020 Report Posted May 14, 2020 +1 It needs a complete texture rework especially on the outside, i think adding a spoiler would be a nice touch & also the exhaust should change sides with the interior ( the exhaust normally exits the opposite side the steering wheel is on ) could be renamed the Extra GT??? @TeamDeer 1
Black Wolf Harmful Posted May 22, 2020 Report Posted May 22, 2020 Hello, Congratulations on the suggestion, I really liked it, how about improving the car's physics first? Like your stability for example? I think its use would be more interesting. Best regards, Harmful Black Wolf
.George Posted June 2, 2020 Report Posted June 2, 2020 It would be great to have another car in the game! Different sounds with the cars would be great too! +1
.Quality Posted June 24, 2020 Report Posted June 24, 2020 It would be great to have more customization for the scout. +1 1 Kind regards, .Quality
Geology Rocks Posted June 24, 2020 Report Posted June 24, 2020 i think this is a great idea as the cars at the moment are rather plane +1
davidd. Posted June 30, 2020 Report Posted June 30, 2020 I really like this suggestion! It opens a whole new world for your creativity— which I'm all for. I particularly like the part of the suggestion where you mention adding the truck paint jobs to the cars. This would be great for those in VTCs, who prefer using the Scout car on their travels; or, in my situation, for the occasional car and caravan convoy I partake in with the other drivers in our VTC. +1
Guest Posted July 4, 2020 Report Posted July 4, 2020 I really loved this accessory and I agree that it is a great idea for the TMP team to add this accessory to Skoda. It's fun
Guest Posted July 5, 2020 Report Posted July 5, 2020 It looks very nice. I hope this nice update comes to the game.It will be nice for Skoda.
Guest GЯΞУHOUИD Posted July 8, 2020 Report Posted July 8, 2020 I think this suggestion will be helpful for players like us because i and i am sure we all love driving Skoda cars all around the map. Acceleration is unfortunately very bad since past couple updates and especially brakes are not good enough. If this suggestion comes live, i believe our experience will be better and visual quality and tuning chance is improve way too better. I'm excited to see what will comes in the future and i hope management will agree with person who gave this suggestion to this community. I am hundred percent supporting this one.
yaarc Posted July 8, 2020 Report Posted July 8, 2020 Voting as well. I've always wanted to see more costumization done on the Skoda. I loved the idea, and that rooftop looks slick. Definitely +1 here. Subiiii Former TruckersMP ・ ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――― TruckersMP Support System | TruckersMP Rules | Knowledge Base | Feedback | Reports | Appeals
David.B_635 Posted August 5, 2020 Report Posted August 5, 2020 I really like that i would also really like a combi and a gt or rs edition with a special interior
Aspеct Posted August 5, 2020 Report Posted August 5, 2020 +1 Would be great, if they would update the Skoda SuperB
TheoLG Posted August 6, 2020 Report Posted August 6, 2020 Will the drill engine be swapped for something more pleasant to hear ? 1
Niuro Posted September 19, 2020 Report Posted September 19, 2020 From my personal experience with the car thingy there are some really anoying things: 1. Fuel consumtion is like of a truck, but with smaller max cap.. No improovement sinse 1.37; 2. Engine - no sound improovement sinse 1.37; 3. Allowed customisation - a variety of the paint jobs for trucks (the base ones) and not just single colors (gloss/metallic); 4. Is it possible to have the following update -> pre-tuned Scout cars for POLICE and CONVOY duties; a private car for map exploration with a speed limit of 120 km/h (expl.: Honda Ridgeline [dirt track]). 5. The cars should have lighter mass than trucks. Thank you for your time.
Captain_Bow Posted October 12, 2020 Report Posted October 12, 2020 What really should be changed is the ratio of the second gear, as at least for me it barely differenciates from first gear and is therefore almost useless
ALLIANCE Jean M. Posted December 1, 2020 Report Posted December 1, 2020 Spoiler @poland.ball I fully support you when we say to remake Skoda and even bring news to the players of the TruckersMP network, because in my perspective the current vehicle is very boring, that's it isn't cool to drive it when compared to the time when Skoda was launched. However, I don't know if there is a possibility but I would venture to mention some items where my opinion could be changed in the vehicle (in addition to the items you mentioned): I believe that the physics and other items that interfere with driving the vehicle should be improved so that it's more realistic as well as adapting to TruckersMP players instead of being very unstable that uses a lot of fuel and at the same time, it seems to have no power in its engine and I always have the feeling that the car has no brakes (even if the brake sensitivity in the game settings is at maximum). New paintings could be created or even use the base paintings found in the game for Skoda, so that it's adapted and doesn't become something very strange or that will generate conflicts with the game. I don't know Skoda's sound in real life, but I believe it could be improved, preferably more realistic, as the current one looks like a jackhammer, drill or anything else in my ears that doesn't seem to be the sounds of a car. Although the set of police accessories are exclusive to specific TMP Staff, I believe that this exclusivity could be matched to the set of accessories intended for "Pilot" so that everyone can use it, because in my perspective, there is a difference and a very large variety for police accessories instead of Pilot. Along with that, I add that all items could be revised so that they look more realistic and beautiful, which includes new beacons with lighting identical to a cargo DLC (if I'm not mistaken) present only on trucks. That's, to create accessories intended for Pilot that are similar to those of the Police, and no, I'm not saying that players should use Police accessories, but rather, the same or better accessories be created and intended for the exclusive use of "Pilot cars". New trailers to use with Skoda. I believe that everyone's opinion is the same, however, in addition to its instability on Caravan Trailer, it's also no longer attractive.
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