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"easyrider" staff?!



So I was rammed by some idiot who ran straight through a red light, he flipped me over so I reported him and he got kicked, then I got kicked, I even pressed f7+enter long before he kicked me.

What's the deal here? This "easyrider" staff member needs to loosen up and assess the situation before pressing his little kick button, not mentioning the fact he's pretty much illiterate.

I wouldn't mind but it takes 10 minutes just to get back into the game.


Sorry to spill it out here but there's no direct communication to staff as far as I know.


Tldr: The staff member Easyrider needs to stop abusing his powers.


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In 0.1.1 Alpha the red lights are not synced. Please look before crossing the light until this is fixed. 

The guy proceeded to crash into me until I flipped, I know about this issue


Dont make so much trouble about a kick!

Admins are doing their jobs, they have to decide very quick because they get very often behind eachother reports!

I am not moaning about all the admins, just this one, there's a difference between deciding quickly and being plain ignorant.

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correct be cool! It was a kick maybe it was falshe! It is very difficult to be fast and correct. Maybe it was a bug that I saw you on road. Maybe it was falshe but every admin makes anyone a falshe kick.

Next think is I don't abusing my power! When the kick was falshe sorry, but you can write me via PM too.

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