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Cabin Accessories Addition with the ProMods Accessories Pack

Tim [NL]

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Suggestion Name:

Adding ProMods Cabin Accessories Pack

Suggestion Description:

Adding the ProMods Cabin Accessories Pack into TruckersMP.

Also This Pack includes:

  • Mugs with more than 60 different country flags
  • ProMods mug.
  • 60 Diffrent pennants, big and small with country flags
  • a few ProMods pennants and some mini scarfs 
  • a Promods-themed curtain and three ProMods-themed dices.


Any example images:



Preview from ProMods Cabin Accesories Pack from inside the game:



Why should it be added?:

Whould be an neat and awsome Addition for the Multiplayer and for the Cabbin Accessories aswell as Celebrating the ProMods Partnership.


All credit and Copyright © goes to the Blog Post of ProMods: ProMods Cabin Accessories Pack Blog Post

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  • Tim [NL] changed the title to Cabin Accessories Addition with the ProMods Accessories Pack
  • 6 months later...
  • Community Manager

Hello @Tim [NL],


Sorry for the late reply on this suggestion, I know this is to celebrate our partnership with ProMods, but we feel that adding all the country flags in TruckersMP would be a lot. Especially if we already have window flags in-game and adding more accessories would be a waste of time, BUT long ago we've added some accessories that are ProMods, TruckersMP and TruckersFM related. Meaning, you can have their logos on the accessories rather than have the countries flags. 


Hopefully, after responding 4 years later, this was a better alternative. I'm also sorry again for replying this late just to reject it. Nonetheless, thank you for suggestion this! 




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