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We’re now approaching the end of February, which means it's time for our monthly convoy! On the occasion, we’ve decided to take you on a journey across the latest ETS2 map DLC - Road to the Black Sea!


Join us this Sunday 23 February 2020 at 18:00 UTC (Alternative Timezones).

Starting our journey at one of the largest borders (northbound of Edirne), we will be crossing through Turkey, Bulgaria, and Romania. In these countries, we will explore some of the most beautiful roads and incredible views that the Road to the Black Sea features.

The convoy duration is estimated to be 90 minutes. It may be longer if you are towards the rear of the convoy. No breaks are scheduled, but you are welcome to pull into a safe place should you require a rest.

Please feel welcome to comment or ask questions on our forum topic!



Departure: Large Border (Northbound), Edirne, Turkey

Destination: Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Additional Event Info: Event Rules | DLC: Road to the Black Sea | Server: Official Convoy

Wishing you happy and safe trucking, and we hope to see you there!

-TruckersMP Team

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  • HaulieLove 1

I will arrive, but I'm not sure if there's any time. All the cars will fall down as soon as possible. The WTO team is here to wish you all the best


guten morgen. kann man vielleicht bitte die Route besser beschreiben ?ß. also per Landkarte von ETS2??. weil man ja so nicht weiß welche Strecken man nehmen Soll. weil muss mir ja auch noch eine Fracht bauen. also basteln das man solange fahren kann und wenn man nicht zu 100% ab wo man Starten soll. und wie die Strecke verläuft wie soll man dann. es Schaffen?? bitte um mehr infos dazu danke im vorraus 

Marco Sungen 

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