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VTC system - basic text and photo format functions in post section


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Suggestion Name: New basic functions to the VTC post section

Suggestion Description: In a VTC section You can post news and all informations about VTC's. Earlier this kind of info was on forum in a VTC section. Now this section is archived and closed, so we have no choice but to use VTC website. But this site is lacking of basic functionalities: There is almost no tools to format text in this section. You can only bold, but You can't to italic, underlined, strikethrough, centered, align to left or right, colored text, numered list, bulleted list... there is also no tool to make a quotation or hide spoilers. There is no possibilities to paste working link's in text. There is no possibilities to add photo or graphics to the posts (for example to post photos from convoi to write about it). I strongly suggest to add ALL this basic funcionalites to the VTC section.

Any example images:  Instead of photo i give link to text i post in a VTC section in forum - with formated text and added photos. VTC section should have all this basic funcionalities: 

Why should it be added?:

VTC website should replace VTC sention of forum so it schould have all basic funcionalities of VTC section of forum.



Za każdym razem, gdy do firanki podpinasz 8x4 i włączasz koguty gdzieś na świecie umiera w cierpieniu mały szczeniaczek.
Every time You attach curtain trailer to 8x4 and turn your beacons on - somewhere dies cute little puppy.

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