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I was unable to post this in the developer section, so hopefully someone can move it to the right place.


I am trying to use the Truckers MP PHP API package with Laravel.


I have the following code to get the servers and cache them:


$servers = Cache::remember('servers', 10, function () {
	if (Cache::has('servers')) {
		return Cache::get('servers');
	} else {
		$client = new Client();
		return $client->servers()->get();

return view('layouts.servers', ['servers' => $servers]);

I don't think it is working correctly because it seems to refresh quicker than the cache duration (10 minutes).


Not sure what's missing or wrong.


Any help would be appreciated.

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  • 3 years later...

The Cache::remember method automatically checks if the data exists in the cache and, if not, executes the given closure to retrieve and cache the data.


$servers = Cache::remember('servers', 600, function () {
    // Check if 'servers' key exists in the cache
    if (Cache::has('servers')) {
        // Return the data from the cache
        return Cache::get('servers');
    } else {
        // If 'servers' key doesn't exist, fetch data from the API
        $client = new Client();
        $serversData = $client->servers()->get();

        // Cache the fetched data for 10 minutes (600 seconds)
        Cache::put('servers', $serversData, 600);

        // Return the data
        return $serversData;

The cache duration is set to 600 seconds (10 minutes) in the Cache::remember method.

We first check if the 'servers' key exists in the cache using Cache::has.

If the key exists, we return the data from the cache using Cache::get.

If the key doesn't exist, we fetch the data from the API and cache it using Cache::put.

Finally, we return the fetched data.

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My first condition is that your character is not broken...



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