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update ets2


13 answers to this question

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23 minutes ago, Lorciaa said:

Hello @LeSoiut


You should try this solution, that will help with your problem:

>Go to Steam

>right click on Euro Truck Simulator 2


>click "BETA" tab

>from list of betas choose "temporary_1_36 - 1.36.x for incompatible mods"

After this you can launch your game. :)


You just need to do this and you will be able to play on MP. ^

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I played yesterday and everything was ok. 

but now that it updated to it doesn't work anymore and it still gives me a fatal error

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Why try running vannila game   when steam ets2 version is  and to truckersMP is going to   then what is the point.  yes you can downgreat but its better to play then Sp so you can drive also the new DLC Road to the Black Sea.

Because TruckersMP is not ready for the new DLC

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me did an automatic update 

I tried with none beta version and with temporary and with public beta and nothing

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I have version and singleplayer goes again on TMP when I give lunch it gives me game crash fatal error


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Go to Steam click om Euro Truck Simulator2  then right click with mous on Euro truck simulator 2  then go to property  , you get now an nw popup screen. push on BETAS  look for temporary_1_36 - 1.36 x for incompathible mod  push on it.  now you will see that Euro truck simulator2 is installing  , when it is ready you can play 

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Hello there :)


Since you created a new Topic for another Error, i assume the "Unsupported Game Version" Error has been fixed.

Here you can find your other Topic:



Therfore i am going to move this Topic to the Solved Topics Section.


Kind regards


TruckersMP Support


//locked and moved to solved Topics.


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