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Write here if you have caused damage in the game, send a link to the video on which you crashed/blocked your way/insulted in the chat/ insulted in the voice chat. DO NOT FORGET to specify the NICKNAME of the player.

Пишите сюда если тебе нанесли урон в игре, присылай ссылку на видео на котором в тебя врезались/перекрыли тебе дорогу/оскорбляли в чате/ оскорбляли в голосовом чате. НЕ ЗАБЫВАЙ указывать НИКНЕЙМ игрока.

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5 answers to this question

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Good evening,


the best thing to do, is to report users either directly ingame or (even better) via the website if they are not sticking to the rules. By taking a look at your post, I am not too sure if you are already familiar with the reporting system or if you just wanted to create something like a collection thread where rule-breakers should be exposed. When you want to report someone ingame, press TAB, do a right click with your mouse to enable the mouse cursor, click on the specific user and then click on "Report". If a staff member is online, he (or she ?will surely deal with the situation. For reports via the website, please take a look at the linked topic below.


I think, that a thread in this section actually does nothing else than just publicly exposing users. Even when they break the rules (on purpose or not), reports should still be dealt with in a private manner to respect the user's privacy, in my opinion. I think, a lot of people can relate to that, especially when you want to behave better for example.


I also think, that this section is not the right place for reporting users.


I recommend taking a look at the following thread for more information concering reports:



Greetings from Luxembourg,





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Hello there,


Due to this topic being inactive for 3 days, i will have to move it to Inactive Topics.

If you wish for the topic to be opened again, feel free to private message me or any other Support member.


Kind Regards,


TruckersMP Support


//Locked and moved to Inactive Topics 

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Hello there,


Due to this topic being inactive for further 7 days, I will have to move it to "Unsolved" Topics. 

If you need any further help,create a new topic or contact us directly by submitting a support ticket here:https://truckersmp.com/support/ticket/create

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind Regards,

Sabbi [GER]

TruckersMP Support 


//moved to Unsolved.

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