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Hello TruckersMP,

I created an Support Ticket, but Sabbi[GER] couldn´t Help me so I decided to take an new Topic here About TAB Bug. 

When I want to open my TAB to see how much Players are near, I became an extremly LAG... Truckers behind me on ca. 60 - 70m cannot awoid that LAG.

That BUG came withing 1.35 Update. Please can someone Help me or try to fix it somehow. Thank you. 

King Regards User_2733988.

3 answers to this question

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Hello D. Gaming,


As far as I'm aware, the issue whereby you occasionally receive a lag spike upon opening the players list (tab menu) is a known issue with 1.35. Unfortunately, I don't believe there is currently any 'real' fix for the issue.

However, if you're currently running the experimental version of Directx11, you could always try reverting back to Directx9. You can do this by launching the game in single-player via 'Directx9' (see screenshot below), loading your preferred profile and then saving. You can then re-launch TruckersMP, and it should launch via Directx9. 


If you haven't done so already, it also wouldn't hurt to attempt a re-install of TruckersMP. I'll leave the instructions on how to properly re-install the modification below:



A screenshot taken from the 'Common Solutions' page - https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/148


Reference Image:






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Hello Jamie R,

Thank you very much for your Help. The Problem has been solved by changing the Game on DirectX9.

Please the TruckersMP Staff to Remove this Post to Solved.


King Regards User_2733988.

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