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Funny/Interesting Stories From Real Truckers or In-game Truckers


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(IRL) I'll start it off, my uncle was driving through Route 66 in North Dakota on a Peterbilt with a massive bull bar on it and I'm talking about what you can put on the Peterbilt 389 in the game, so a pretty hefty bull bar. Anyways, he's driving and he hits a cow that was in the road, but he just kept driving because there was NO cow left. Finally, when he got to his destination, he got some water and sprayed the truck down and when he was done cleaning the bull bar, not a single dent in the bull bar or truck.

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Story i was part of with a coworker. bit of back story. i work in outbound/distribution. and oftren talk with the drivers of the company i work for.


sometimes it happends that a costumer wants to pay cash, and they can. drivers don't mind it usually but some do.


the 1 costumer had about a 100 grand backlog he still had to pay. but sales and the people in the office kept telling us it was fine and they could keep ordering.

Comes a few weeks back and the office told the cosutmer that he couldn't order anymore until he had paid what he owed us. he said he would and was allowed to order 1 last time before he was due to pay.


i was there with the driver because he had some back issues and wanted some help and the trip was only 1 day start to finish. fair enough.


one of the first costumers just outside Koblenz germany. we arrive and gave the costumer the papers we recieved from the office that this was the last order they could make before the had to pay or no more goods.

costumer takes the papers. walks back and just returns with a bag. opens the bag. and there is all the money he owed us. in total 110.932 i believe. just cash in his store. i first off never saw so much cash in my life. and seconds i never saw a driver so nervous about being on the road and making sure his truck was locked if he even was 5 meters away from it. 


end of the day. we return to the warehouse and he makes the depoist. machine couldn't even take it and was full afther about half the cash. luckly we have 3 and everything by that costumer was paid of on the spot.



i can tell you. never saw a driver that nervous on the road.


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