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Ban system Query



Hey guys. So I've got a question. I've had some bans in the past few years, and after reviewing how the ban system works, I was under the impression that bans that were issued over a year ago would be wiped. However these bans are still on my profile. Also, I've got a few bans with a yellow dot/icon next to them, however the top one has a green dot next to it so I just wondered if anyone knew what the different colours meant? Thanks guys! :)

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4 answers to this question

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Read this: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/138 (Punishment history colours)

You will find the necessary information.



Yellow colour of a ban 


Yellow marked bans have filled 1 year and have partially lost their effect. 4th 5th and 6th bans are not taken into consideration.

The following still appliesIf you have at least two history bans of the same length in your ban history, Game Moderators may extend your ban to the next ban history length, regardless of how many bans you have had in the last year. For example, if you have already had two 1-month bans, your next ban can be extended to 3 months. If you have two 3-month bans, your ban can be extended to perm. Note that bans that are extended due to it being your 4th, 5th or 6th ban cannot be removed, they are strictly 1 month, 3 months and permanent


Green colour of a ban


Green marked bans are passed (1 year is not complete) or active ones. The 4th 5th and 6th bans are taken into consideration to extend a ban based on the history.



MarkON (player-Veteran Driver)

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6 minutes ago, MarkON said:


Read this: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/138 (Punishment history colours)

You will find the necessary information.




MarkON (player-Veteran Driver)


4 minutes ago, Grundii said:

Hello @Its_Chris_2003,


you can also find this information when you use our forum search function. It has been asked before ;) 


Ah thank you very much guys! ;). That's all I need to know, staff are free lock the topic now and move it to solved!

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Hello There!


We are glad to hear that your question has been answered!
Thanks for all participation!
Don't hesitate to contact us again if you need any help in the future.


[TR] SkortiL
TruckersMP Support


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SkortiL [TR] 


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