iNadeox Posted June 3, 2019 Report Posted June 3, 2019 NOTE: This post is based off of xyzan's post on the SCS Forums. I have re-posted this here and made a tutorial for people, especially beginners, wanting to do custom jobs and be able to join convoys. I do not take credit of the Virtual Speditor tool itself. It is made my xyzan and you could go see his post on the SCS Forums as stated in the hyperlink above. Virtual Speditor v2.06 for ETS2 & ATS This tool is used to create custom jobs for both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. This is very useful when you want to go to a specific location from a specific location (This includes the company from where and to you are bringing the cargo/trailer from and to.) and also when you need to have the same exact job to participate in Virtual Trucking Company convoys or just any other convoy. YES, this will work on TruckersMP (ETS2 and ATS). What you need: Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator Visual C++ Redistributable 2012 Libraries ( Virtual Speditor v2.06 ( WinRar ( PREREQUISITE: Before doing anything, please download and install WinRar and the Visual C++ Redistributable 2012 Libraries as provided in the links above. You need these for Speditor to work properly. What to do: Firstly, you have to go download the Virtual Speditor v2.06 as provided in the link above. After it is downloaded, extract all the contents to a folder of your choice. Second, go to this folder and open the config file with notepad. You will have to edit the following. You can use CTRL + F to find these easier. After editing, just save it and exit. Third, go open Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator, whichever you are playing with, and then go to the city you want to start a route from and then do a quick save, title it anything but I titled mine Speditor so I'd be using the same save file everytime I use Speditor, it's easier this way. After you make the quick save, exit Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator, whichever you were playing. TIPS: You can use the console to go to a city you haven't been in. You have to press "0" on your keyboard (Not the numpad) and you can move the freecam with the numpad (8, 4, 5, and 6). When you are in freecam, open the console by pressing "` or ~" on the top left of the keyboard and type "goto <city name> for example, "goto calais" then the free camera will teleport to the said location. You then now need to move the freecam with the keypad and mouse and go just above the ground and press "F9" on the keyboard and your truck & trailer will teleport there. The freecam, console, and goto command works on TruckersMP but the teleport command will NOT work on TruckersMP. Only in singleplayer/offline mode. Just don't abuse this feature and read the rules so you wont get banned. Fourth, You then need to go to the game saves folder and sort it by date. You need to find the latest save number WITHOUT the autosave. After finding the latest quick save, go ahead and open up Virtual Speditor and open the latest quick save file number and then load the job you want. After that, press add and save. Lastly, go ahead and open up your game wether it be TruckersMP or just Singleplayer/Offline mode and then load the quicksave that you have made. After loading it, the custom job should appear in the freight market now. You're all done! You now know how to make custom jobs. If you want to make another custom job, just repeat the steps. You'll get the hang of it in no time as its pretty simple and straight forward.Hope this tutorial helps! I do not take credit for making the Virtual Speditor, I just simply wanted to make a tutorial as I also took time in learning how this works. You can go ahead and check the SCS Forums post by the creator of the application to see updates. This also works on custom maps and custom cargo as indicated in the original post. The post does say 1.33 is the supported version but this latest Virtual Speditor works on current versions. German Translation by Linciano If you are a translator or can translate this post in another language, please do message me so we can work this out. I'll give credit for translation and add the translated post to this post in spoiler form so other people can understand. Thank you very much! Happy Trucking! 2 1 4 // Isaiah Wijesekara | Philippines | Former [ETRVTC] Driver | TMP ID 10832 \\ // [TPH] Truckers Philippines | Member Since November 15, 2014 | TrucksBook \\ ||||||
Project Manager Luna Posted June 10, 2019 Project Manager Report Posted June 10, 2019 Hey @[TPH] iNadeox, Thank you for your wonderful guide! I am happy to approve your post as it will be helpful for many players. Kind Regards, Lasse 3 Appeal your ban | Submit feedback | Buy awesome merchandise | Have a nice day
Linciano Posted June 10, 2019 Report Posted June 10, 2019 Thank you for this guide! Easy to understand and surely helpful for players who are new to Virtual speditor 1
Vanos_s Posted June 10, 2019 Report Posted June 10, 2019 Здравствуйте, Помогите пожалуйста, Вчера забанили моего друга, по причине: Неосторожная езда, есть ли какая-нибудь возможность, снять наказуемый срок или уменьшить данный срок наказания, т.к по факту игрок с ником St4bs Diraal был ознакомлен с правилами Truckers Mp, и не нарушал их. Заранее Спасибо!
iNadeox Posted June 11, 2019 Author Report Posted June 11, 2019 15 hours ago, Vanos_s said: Здравствуйте, Помогите пожалуйста, Вчера забанили моего друга, по причине: Неосторожная езда, есть ли какая-нибудь возможность, снять наказуемый срок или уменьшить данный срок наказания, т.к по факту игрок с ником St4bs Diraal был ознакомлен с правилами Truckers Mp, и не нарушал их. Заранее Спасибо! Привет @Vanos_s! Вы, кажется, используете русский язык, и, поскольку я не знаю об этом, я использую Google Translate. Во-первых, вы попали не в ту часть форумов, так как это раздел руководств для начинающих и игроков. Возможно, вам лучше написать сообщение об этой проблеме в разделе справки форумов ( Вы можете задать вопрос там, и ваш вопрос, скорее всего, будет перенесен на русскую часть форумов, где другие россияне или люди, владеющие этим языком, могут вам помочь. Ваш друг по имени St4bs Diraal может также подать апелляцию с запретом по адресу ( Хотя команде TruckersMP может потребоваться до недели или около того, пока они не ответят на упомянутую апелляцию о запрете. Если продолжительность их бана истекла, а на их апелляцию о запрете не было получено ответа, она будет автоматически отклонена, но они все равно могут оставить отзыв по адресу ( с командой Game Moderation Management также с русским языком. То же самое для этого, это может занять около недели или около того, пока вы не сможете получить ответ, так как команда TruckersMP с технической точки зрения является добровольцами, которым вообще не платят, а также ведет нормальную жизнь, как мы. Если я смог помочь вам, пожалуйста, скажите мне. Спасибо! ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Spoiler You seem to be using the Russian language and since I have no knowledge in that, I am using Google Translate. Firstly, you came to the wrong part of forums as this is a guides section for beginners and players alike. You'd probably be better off making a post regarding this issue in the Help section of the forums at ( You could ask a question there and your question would most likely be moved to the Russian part of the forums where other Russians or people that have knowledge in that language may be able to help you. Your friend named St4bs Diraal could also make a ban appeal at ( Although the TruckersMP team may take up to a week or so until they get to reply to the said ban appeal. If their ban's duration is over and their ban appeal isn't replied to, it will be automatically be declined and but they can still make a feedback at ( with the Game Moderation Management team also with the Russian language. Same said for this, it may take up to a week or so until you are able to get a reply since the TruckersMP team are technically speaking, volunteers, not being paid whatsoever, and also have normal lives like us. If I was able to help you, please do tell me. Thank you! // Isaiah Wijesekara | Philippines | Former [ETRVTC] Driver | TMP ID 10832 \\ // [TPH] Truckers Philippines | Member Since November 15, 2014 | TrucksBook \\ ||||||
speedy84au Posted November 7, 2019 Report Posted November 7, 2019 Pictures are unavailable can this be updated or can someone message me with the pictures as I would like to set this up for my vtc so myself and other members can do convoys in arts thanks
Angel_Arrow Posted November 15, 2019 Report Posted November 15, 2019 For those who want a tutorial video: 2
B&Č Transport Lonika Posted November 24, 2019 Report Posted November 24, 2019 Hi. Why can't I see the pictures in the tutorial? Follow your dreams, transform your life.
Angel_Arrow Posted November 24, 2019 Report Posted November 24, 2019 1 hour ago, B&Č Transport Lonika said: Hi. Why can't I see the pictures in the tutorial? Exactly. That's why I created a tutorial video for it. I wanted to make a separate post for it but it got denied due to this post already being here as a tutorial. I guess the topic starter uploaded his pictures to a certain online photo upload service and that is not working anymore. 1
speedy84au Posted November 24, 2019 Report Posted November 24, 2019 This is what i see when i load it as to the "pictures"
19049_Spy Posted November 24, 2019 Report Posted November 24, 2019 Hello @speedy84au, don't worry. @Angel_Arrow created video tutorial for this case and for better understanding On 11/15/2019 at 4:55 PM, Angel_Arrow said: For those who want a tutorial video:
iNadeox Posted December 3, 2019 Author Report Posted December 3, 2019 Images have been taken down by Tinypic for some reason and I was unable to directly upload the images to this forum due to file size restrictions. I'll try to edit and update this soon when I get the time to. In the meantime, you can view @Angel_Arrow's video as mentioned above. Happy Trucking! // Isaiah Wijesekara | Philippines | Former [ETRVTC] Driver | TMP ID 10832 \\ // [TPH] Truckers Philippines | Member Since November 15, 2014 | TrucksBook \\ ||||||
[MPI-355] TRI JULI P. Posted December 11, 2019 Report Posted December 11, 2019 is it still work on 1.36 ETS2?
iNadeox Posted December 13, 2019 Author Report Posted December 13, 2019 On 12/11/2019 at 8:41 PM, [MPI-355] TRI JULI P. said: is it still work on 1.36 ETS2? Yes. Virtual Speditor 2.06 still works on 1.36 as well as on custom maps/modules (like Promods) and custom companies/cargos as it just uses the ets2 files itself. // Isaiah Wijesekara | Philippines | Former [ETRVTC] Driver | TMP ID 10832 \\ // [TPH] Truckers Philippines | Member Since November 15, 2014 | TrucksBook \\ ||||||
Juras K. Posted December 14, 2019 Report Posted December 14, 2019 Thank you for the guide! I'll have less work to do when explaining my friends what is virtual speditor and how can you create the same job 1 Kind Regards, Juras K.
Driver35 Posted January 15, 2020 Report Posted January 15, 2020 Hello! Why is the program not present all the cargo that is in the game?
Guest Posted January 17, 2020 Report Posted January 17, 2020 Thanks for guide, But your photos appear to be deleted, so I'm sad
TaxiwayBravo Posted January 19, 2020 Report Posted January 19, 2020 Thank you for this guide, this is really helpful! Thanks TaxiwayBravo/Smacky (Zach) Ex-Game Moderator & Event Team Member Need help? | Report a user | Appeal a ban | Request an event | Feedback | Want to join the team? Current Status -
OmSaL Posted January 25, 2020 Report Posted January 25, 2020 Thank you for this guide. Report a User | Appeal a Ban | Feedback System | Support System | Knowledge Base | Event Request | Rules | Event Rules | Meet the Team | Join the Team
Red'Sire Posted August 20, 2020 Report Posted August 20, 2020 Thanks for guide, but your photos appear to be deleted. Tekerimiz 'DÜZ' Bassın.. |—————————————————————————————————| Red'Sire- Veteran Driver
Community Moderation Manager Nody Posted September 27, 2020 Community Moderation Manager Report Posted September 27, 2020 I have had made a YouTube video back then , quality of the mic isn't very good but it should help in general in understanding the steps, your feedback is appreciated. Apologise in advance as I was new in making videos and sorry for spelling Birmingham in an in correct manner Here's the link :- 2 Former + + Appeal your ban | Report a player | Feedback Ticket | Recruitment | Support | KB | Join my YouTube Discord
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