LaxZ Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 Hello truckers! Today we have an exciting opportunity for you. The TruckersMP Media Team are proud to present a chance for you to be featured in an official video! Quite simply we need a short quote from you about how TruckersMP has impacted/changed your life over however long you've been playing! We will select a handful of messages and feature them in the video. Please comment your statement on the forum post which can be seen here. Thank you, TruckersMP Media Team 5 1 3 1
[TPH] +theo+ Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 I was bored playing SP in ETS2 then I found out about TMP and it changes everything. There are lots of reckless drivers and traffics but that is the best part of it which is the reason I keep on playing it. Reporting them is the most enjoyable thing about TMP. Thanks to all the devs and staffs for their hard work.
Guest Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 TruckersMP helped me with searched a new best friends from other nationalities + a lots of stuff in VTC Finally I m found so big and friendly community , that I wanted.. Cya on the road guys ! I would like a big thank you for a much work! TMP Team <3 Sincerely, -----[RLC] Dark_Owl_-----
Zirox Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 TMP has become like a second family to me, since first playing in 2015 I've made many friends and experienced some amazing contributions by the community for charitable causes <3 2 Zirox Support | Appeals | Report a User | Feedback | Recruitment
Falco [ITA] Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 I met so many nice people thanks to TruckersMP. I made a lot of friends and even joined a VTC, didn't expect this much when I first joined. Thank you so much for creating such a nice platform and I wish you all the best. Greetings -Falco [ITA] Former Driver at Red Line Cargo
Callum. Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 TruckersMP made me come away from hide mode a lot. I have met so many great people and made lots of new friends. Not only that though, I have achieved so much by planning and creating events for the community, thank you TMP!
El1teZombiezHD Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 I've been playing since 2014 and I've never looked back. TruckersMP has helped me through tough times and I always had people to hang out with when real life wasn't all the best! 1 Kind Regards, El1teZombiezHD [TruckersMP Retired Team Member (Ex-Game Moderator)] If you are replying to me, please @mention me (@El1teZombiezHD ) or quote my message otherwise I may not respond
MHT_ Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 Shortly after joining TruckersMP back in 2014, I noticed that I had gotten a huge amount of new friends. Now, in 2019, I can actually say that I met most of the online friends that I chat with each and every day on TruckersMP. And as I don't have thoo many contacts in real life, online world is pretty much the only thing that helps me to move forward in my life (and as I met most of my online friends while playing in TruckersMP, without it [TruckersMP] my situation in real life would probably be a lot different). And because of all that, the awesome community of TruckersMP is the main reason why I really enjoy my life as it is. While being in the TruckersMP staff for a great 7 months back in 2018, I used to learn many new and valuable social skills. And as a person that likes to help people, support work at TruckersMP also used to make my day a lot better as I was able to do something I really liked to do - helping others. So overall, TruckersMP has affected my life quite a lot and I've managed to learn a lot of new from it. I'm looking forward to meeting more awesome people and learning new things from TruckersMP in the future as well!
ImOllie Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 Thank you all for your contributions, keep them coming! 1 Kind Regards, Ollie
poland.ball Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 TruckersMP showed me how stupid humanity is. 3
_.Queen Rosalie._ Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 TruckersMP has helped me get through tough times with mental and physical health problems over the last 4+ years and helped me find a virtual escape from reality. Also TMP has helped me find amazing content creators that publish some great and enjoyable videos and have inspired me to start my own content creation project this year. But most importantly, TMP has become a great place to feel like part of something special, something that very few gaming communities actually have, from friendly and helpful staff, to courteous and nice truckers, to me it’s the only community I’ve ever felt humbled to be a part of for so many years.
ImOllie Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 29 minutes ago, poland.ball said: TruckersMP showed me how stupid humanity is. 6 1 1 Kind Regards, Ollie
poland.ball Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 ^ Oh! Now I lost more faith in humanity. Being AFK looks like an illegal operation. Where are all the kids spamming: rec ban poland.ball no afk permanent ? This is a fake video! Report! Edit: Just noticed, spanish subtitles? what da? Proves its more fake!
Jiggie Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 TruckersMP changed my perspective on life, since I was kid, I was always interested in cars. Thanks to TMP, i fall in love with trucks and trucking, so I want to become a truck driver in real life 1
Aek177 Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 Ever since finding out about TMP, I have met loads of people and made great new friends. Since joining the TMP Staff team on the 24th of June 2018, I have learnt so many new skills that have helped me IRL aswell as within the team that has got me where I am now. I cannot be thankful enough towards this community and the people who contribute to it. Aek177 | Report a user | Feedback about staff | Staff Recruitment | Rules | Staff List
Savage. Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 I have been in the TMP community for quite a while now, over 4 years and I have enjoyed all the moments I have had. It is helped me through difficult times and everyone I have met has been really nice to me. I've made so many new friends who are all so friendly and helpful. I love meeting new people in the community and becoming friends with them. Since I joined the staff team, which wasn't too long ago, everyone in the team has been extremely kind and will help you if you have an issue. I'm building up my skills in the support team which will help me in real life. The community is great and I am so thankful to everyone who has done something towards it or who has been helpful towards other people.
iNadeox Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 I started playing Euro Truck Simulator 2 back then in early 2014 on a pirated version. It enjoyed it, like I really, really enjoyed playing it. It burns up time, keeps me up, and there's just something about driving for hours on end while listening to good music. I learned about Steam late 2014 and bought the game there. Still played it like I always did. Then I found out about ETS2MP. That's where things changed. Nowadays, I barely touch ETS2 if I'm not gonna play online. Playing with no idiots and those headaches are good for simulation and mods but playing with other real people online, there's just something different about it. You don't just play with the world and ai, but you meet, drive around, and get along with other actual people who actually bought the game and play it as it is. I've been here since then and I may get tired of the game but I still play it even just for an hour or so. Meeting new and different people on the road, having fun experiences, and all those good stuff. Been here since '14 and looking forward for more memories. // Isaiah Wijesekara | Philippines | Former [ETRVTC] Driver | TMP ID 10832 \\ // [TPH] Truckers Philippines | Member Since November 15, 2014 | TrucksBook \\ ||||||
LordBenji Posted May 3, 2019 Report Posted May 3, 2019 I've joined in 2015, and I always loved driving with my friends ever since. I've met a lot of awesome people throughout those years. I'd go for a drive, even if I was feeling down. I'm not even sure where I'd be if it wasn't for TruckersMP.
Guest Posted May 20, 2019 Report Posted May 20, 2019 TruckersMp thanks to made I have the best friends. <3
ImOllie Posted June 2, 2019 Report Posted June 2, 2019 This is your last chance to enter this! Please remember that we do not have to use your reply. Any comments are appreciated, and the Media Team will review the replies over the coming days. Kind Regards, Ollie
BunniGal Posted June 7, 2019 Report Posted June 7, 2019 TruckersMP has given me the chance to meet and drive with people from all over the world. I have been actively trucking on TruckersMP for over 2 years and hardly ever play single player anymore. The immersion TruckersMP offers is phenomenal and a truck load of fun! Steam:
magicISO Posted June 12, 2019 Report Posted June 12, 2019 best about TMP is that you can drive some convoys with your twitch viewers and show them how to drive with out hit any one or break the rules.
apoo Posted June 12, 2019 Report Posted June 12, 2019 I started playing TMP with just one friend and we arrived at day 7 and my circle of friends grew onto a bunch of nice, funny and helpful weirdos! - - - discord: apoo#2436
darod25 Posted June 13, 2019 Report Posted June 13, 2019 TruckersMP hasn't changed my life at all. But thanks to it, I've discovered a nice comunity. Multiplayer games can transform people and most of the time, it becomes a toxic comunity. That's not the case with TruckersMP, every player I've met was nice and gentle.
El Barto Posted June 13, 2019 Report Posted June 13, 2019 Thanks to TruckerMP I made new friends from all around the world Retired Team Member // Report // Ban appeal // Ingame rules // Support //
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