I saw this sentence in the rules : Spamming our report system with useless reports, reports using continuous freecam (Cam 0) to record or anything similar can lead to a ban from the report system.
That means we can not use Freecam for record a Wrong way by exemple ?
2nd question :
Any evidence you provide must not be cropped, retouched or blurred in any way. Videos can only be cropped time-wise.
That means that for example I take a picture of an insult I do not have the right to put a arrow showing the insult on the photo?
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Hello everyone,
i have 2 question on the rules TMP.
I saw this sentence in the rules : Spamming our report system with useless reports, reports using continuous freecam (Cam 0) to record or anything similar can lead to a ban from the report system.
That means we can not use Freecam for record a Wrong way by exemple ?
2nd question :
Any evidence you provide must not be cropped, retouched or blurred in any way. Videos can only be cropped time-wise.
That means that for example I take a picture of an insult I do not have the right to put a arrow showing the insult on the photo?
Thanks you advance for the answers.
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