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Suggestion Name: Remember Email Tick Box (& maybe password)

Suggestion Description: Have Remember a Email (& maybe password) tick boxes on the Login screen as it is annoying to type it all in every time.

Any example images: I'm sure you know what I mean without an image.

Why should it be added?: It is annoying to type it all in every time I play the game, loads of sites and games have this so I think you should have it too.


O.o I would have never expected this to be rejected... so many games do it, so it can't be insecure.... They just need a good encryption or at least just the email not the password....


What iFour says,

There are plenty enough things to do then solve a stupid auto-save password,

The priority now is to stabilize the mod and sync almost all objects.


I wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind..


Be slow to critize, be fast to appreciate.


Remembering password is a security issue, email on the otherhand isn't an issue if you have a decent password (which you should, don't be silly)
I'd say completely forget about remembering passwords.

I would like to see a remember email button, that'd be great.


Because of security? So many applications do it so I find it hard to believe that it's a real security issue... Isn't it saved local like cookies? If they have acces to get that it's already to late for them lol.


Look at Steam and their linkfilter, I still see as many threads about 'i got hacked' than before, it does absolutely nothing. Some people just don't have enough common sense to be on the internet yet everyone gets punished for it. :P

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