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More engines and gearbox for Scout car.

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Suggestion Name: More engines and gearbox for Scout car.

Suggestion Description: I suggest add more engines and gearbox to the Scout car, that could work in the TruckersMP. There would be great to have more choise i think. So i just put more engines and gearbox to the original TruckersMP Scout car and i do not changed nothing more. The engine power has been copied from the real Skoda, as you know there're VW Group engines. If you interested with that, let me know. Btw. (7th GEAR WORKS AT 2500 RPM WHEN YOU REACH 150KMH) 

Any example images:aIbGClj.png



Why should it be added?: To have more choice and fun.


Test link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ebb7t1odzj5kcrl/scout.scs/file



Dear Domantas.S.


Unfortunately today I am going to have to reject your suggestion as it is something that has been suggested many times in the past.


In future, please ensure you read this topic (and the reply) before creating any new suggestions:




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