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Report Process


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Suggestion Name: Report Process.

Suggestion Description: The current process for the reports is not satisfactory in my eyes, it takes numerous days for the reports to be viewed never mind accepted or denied. I think the process should be reviewed by Scar or one of the human resources members. Things could be improved by either adding another role to the TMP team dedicated to dealing with and resolving the many issues submitted per day. I think reports should be the priority for game moderators and other staff members because other wise players are going to get frustrated and feel like nothing is being done about their issue. I submitted a report on Thursday and it has taken until now for something to be done about the issue raised.


Please consider the point I have made above and I look forward to hearing from other members of the community.

Any example images: N/A

Why should it be added?: I think this should be considered because it is a big point and a major issue currently.

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