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  • 1 year later...

Hello TumbEd,


First of all, thank you for creating this suggestion. While we think this may be something we will implement in the future, there is something about this suggestion that I would like to address first.


  • While I understand this suggestion was made some time ago, long before we launched our official Patreon, we will not offer a service like this in exchange for money. This would mean that VTCs, which are just starting up and want to advertise, with little money to spend, will not be able to benefit from this offer. Since we have our Patreon set up now, making bigger servers and/or do other things with our servers could be a possibility with the money we receive from that, rather than from some feature in-game. Our mod is and will stay a free service.


As I said, we might be looking into supporting this somewhere in the future, and therefore we would like some more opinions on this suggestion. 


Opened for Discussion.

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tfmpillow | Retired Team Member

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Joao Rodrigues said:

Players pay to impose their advertisements on other players?
No thank you.
This can only be an option at most so players can deactivate it.

I don't precisely agree on having an option to deactivate it - Assuming people would spend money to advertise whatever they wanted to, I think it would be rather unfair for others to simply disable the advertisements. Would like to see a workaround if this would to be added, which I think would be a nice minor detail to hbe added into our servers.

Edited by Dreamy_TMP

Former TruckersMP
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On 3/13/2020 at 8:24 PM, Dreamy_TMP said:

I don't precisely agree on having an option to deactivate it - Assuming people would spend money to advertise whatever they wanted to, I think it would be rather unfair for others to simply disable the advertisements.

Let me get this straight:

You can not invoke your payment for advertisement as the reason to deny others the option to visually deactivate it.
Your solely decision to spend money on something (here: advertisement) must not (negatively) affect and/ or restrict and/ or disadvantage others in any way who are entirely uninvolved in the process.

  • 2 weeks later...

I like the Idea, however I would not give these boards to VTCs. They already spam the chat and I think thats enough. They can also have advertisements on the radio stations. I would rather give these to streamers or non profit organisations the tmp staff agree on supporting. Thats because people who want to switch VTCs will inform themselves about the vtcs that are out there anyway and all others will just be annoyed by those billboards.


Edit: If you rent these out to VTCs I defnetly want an option to turn these off!

  • Upvote 1



I think it would be really perfect to see vtc that have the best rating of the month, not billboards, on billboards.



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On 3/11/2018 at 18:51, TumbEd said:

Nombre de sugerencia:  paneles publicitarios en la ciudad

Descripción de la sugerencia: Coloque carteles publicitarios en el mapa de la ciudad donde haya más flujo de tráfico, como Rotterdam o Calais, o en la capital del país y las estaciones de VTC o Radio podrían anunciar sus productos en los tableros, alquilando tableros por un dinero.

Cualquier imagen de ejemplo:


¿Por qué debería agregarse ?: En  primer lugar, esta podría ser una gran idea de cómo expandir los servidores TMP, mediante estas pequeñas "donaciones" TMP podría hacer servidores más grandes y quizás actualizar el servidor EU2 hasta 10'000 jugadores, algún día. Por supuesto, esta podría ser una buena idea para unir VTC y estaciones de radio en TMP, porque es un gran problema en la comunidad TMP. Y si nos fijamos en la vida real, estos paneles publicitarios son comunes en la ciudad y esto podría hacer que TMP sea más realista.

Very very cool, I would love for my company to come out hahaha

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Greetings everyone.

Well in relation to advertising, I think it could be from the TMP itself, and in relation to the VTCs I suggest that for the VTCs that are on the VTC page on the TMP site, the automatic tag in Mod TMP wins, as is already done with Nickname

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I like this Idea but it looks like a lot of work especially for the TMP-Teams. Think about how many Ad-Boards exist Ingame (ProMods) ?‍♂️, how often has to be update the game for every changes if a VTC decides to remove etc. I might thinking TMP needs a extra Team for this. (Why: This takes a lot time for change every Ad-Boards.) 


But to be honest, I don't want to download TMP all the time for Ad-Boards only.



I can +1 this suggestion as this improves realism particularly in urban areas of the map, however there are some things that could make this suggestion work to its optimal standard. For example, one of the things I thought about is that I would give verified, and otherwise more well-known VTCs priority as far as VTC advertising in-game goes, as those VTCs are more likely to be trusted by players, and would therefore play a factor in a decision to allow players to make a more informed choice later on. 

  • 3 weeks later...

This seems super cool, it would add an extra way for VTC's to get out there more. I think it would be cool if there was also a digital billboard in some places that can display four of five different advertisements (Scrolls between them every 30 seconds or any set time).

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