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Hello everyone,

there are some reasons of ban that I would like to know how we can be banned for that. (I'm not asking this question because I'm banned or not, I'm just asking it to find out a little more) 

So, I would like to know what it really means 'Reckless driving' What thing was forbidden to do for to have been banned for that reason? I mean, like, don't drive straight on the roads? I would like to know more about it.

Thanks you advance for the answers. 



9 answers to this question

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Dear @LE GAMER 64,


You can find our rules explained here:

Reckless driving is generally considered when you drive recklessly, exposing other users to danger.

Visit the link I gave you previously and you can find all the rules briefly explained.

I hope my answer will help.
Thank you!



TruckersMP - Support Manager.

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Spanish - Portugués

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Hi @Lorena*

Yes l see but but what kind of thing reckless ? The explanations are not very clear. can I have some examples of reckless driving ? because reckless driving is vast. 


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If you need to ask what reckless driving is, you probably drive recklessly. Reckless driving is doing it at speeds that will not allow you to react in time in case of an emergency. Following the vehicle ahead too closely. Overtaking in places without vissibility or on twisty roads. Cutting off the vehicle you just overtook instead of leaving enough distance before merging in. Running red lights, STOP or YIELD signs in areas where other players are around. Driving all over the road in order to follow the "race line" when taking turns. Overtaking from the right side (in continental Europe) or from the left side (in the UK). For more clues, try visiting the C-D road in EU#2 at prime time, you'll see hundreds of examples of reckless driving, almost everyone there will be doing it.


For an "enciclopedic" explanation, you can see this: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/reckless

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§2.5 - Inappropriate / Reckless Driving*

Driving in such a way that is considered unsafe, driving backwards, the wrong way, failing to yield, racing other users (except for the Arizona race track), ignoring other players and rules. Driving outside of the map boundaries. This includes spots inaccessible by normal driving. Attempting to use desync in order to cause damage to another users vehicle is forbidden.



i think the rule is likely clear... but in overall ( from my opinion )...


It is based more on how you( as a player/offender ) are driving:


- if you dont stay inside your lane (doing useless lane change and getting close to ram someone from the other lane side..( on C-D as exemple... ) every 10/15/30 secondes.. )

- run crossing a red light and make an accident,

- not doing your GiveAWay sign and collide with another truck

-  racing another truck and not letting him overtake you

-  on purpose ramming another truck on the highway ( wich is ramming but reckless can/could apply )..

-  driving in S ( turning left and right your steering for no reason on the middle of the road or in your lane )

-  fail to yield the way and ram into another truck...driving in a way that is concider to be dangerous for yourself and anyone else around you.

- not doing your stop sign and ram into another players.

- driving on the grass of C-D road with the only purpose to overtake the traffic.. ( will lead to a kick more than everything else... )


i wish with these little exemple, it will have helped you .. 


Little Tip : ask yourself if it is safe or not what i am/you are going to do ? if the answer is no then it is more likely to be against the rules.

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  • Project Manager

Hi Le Gamer 64,


Things like:

  • Swerving in front of other users and returning back to your lane.
  • Inappropriately overtaking another user putting oncoming traffic at risk.
  • Potentially failing to stop at red lights if there are other users who have a green light


I hope this helps,



Kind Regards,


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Hi @LE GAMER 64 ,


Reckless driving can be used as a lot of reasons...


- Overtaking dangerously ( ye some others rule can be replaced by Reckless)

- Driving more than 130km/h on a road limited at 50km/h, brake the traffic light rules and make an accident including some others players who was kindly driving...

- some others, that's depend of the situation


AFAIK, you can speak natively in french so if needed I can help since I'm a old staff member and I can speak french

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Thanks you for all answers.

@Dominik (iFlufy) Yes l'm satisfied with the answers. Now the topic can some locked.

Thanks you everyone for the answers. 


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