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Hot topic #4: CB


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7 minutes ago, BL4CK$K1LL said:

That's a very useful thing but lot's of players use that for insults and other stuff. I don't like that and that's the reason why I turn it off and don't use. I only use it on some convoys.
It would be great If people who abuse CB will get banned for using it but still can play.




About using different tools to communicate;

The CB is still useful, but maybe it's a great idea if people can create prive CB groups?

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I never use it, too many people yelling about crashes or yelling "go go go" because they have no patience

In my opinion we need some sort of option to add key binds to adjust the CB volume, maybe to turn it on/off, and maybe to change channels

Maybe if possible with whatever you use for the CB, add the functionality for the CB to automatically adjust the dB of people's voice to a certain level so that we don't get our ears blown out?

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CB is useless ...at least for me. There's a good alternative like Discord and Teamspeak. 

It's just there to spam it. Someone playing Turk music, squeakers, and yelling trolls so it's always turned off to me. 

The time CB is somewhat useful is when we talk to nearby our VTC drivers on a convoy rather than speaking to the whole channel on Discord. We just use any empty channel except 19.

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it can be usefull.., very usefull for certain players / vtc and groups of player. BUT if you use the cb to sayd something like this : Report report ...( number number number ( exemple : 748 )..) report.. ( that is the exemple that should be bannable ( something like 24 hours CB ban ....or something similar) in a close future ) because of the number of young player and unexperience players that use this tool to abuse and make a bad environment for everyone else that use the tool correctly. but i alway keep the cb open coz sometime some player are using it correctly and intelligently.


the Cb isnt the problem... the player that use the cb is the problem.


personaly i never used once the cb... first because i have nothing usefull to say ....( mayby for overtaking but i never did coz i am driving in a way that pepeol know when i overtake safely make the cb somewhat irrelevant )


another little thing is the key binding : X key... ( anything except : q,w,e,r,a,s,d,z,c,v,b,f,g,y,i,o... this key are the main key i use .... )and the X key could be used for something else over the tool that i dont use...


P.S if you use the cb and i hear your music / background ( family, cries, someone screaming ) you should be ban of cb use... use this tool smartly or just dont use it.

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Hi: :D
I do not use CB because you never know what you get to hear.


change would be very good to communicate better with your friends or your VTC buddies.

I have a nice idea that maybe can be added to the game.


a group CB with your friends and VTC buddies and also with who you would like to talk.


So how does it work?
with a command "/group" there will be a bar on screen after u did the command then there u can create the group u have to share a password for your friend's to join it.


share a password
So your friend wants to join you.
so where you can find the list of players near to you, there he has to click on your name there is "Join group" (if you have one) you click on join group then you have to enter the password you received from your friend.

you can also ban someone he can never join back Until when you have created a new group.

can be 1 friend or several to join.


How i can share the password

- Via discord.
- Steam.
- /PM system. (in-game)

- Etc...


but if you like to communicate with everyone, you can choose between Share password and communicate with all




-hinter ;)

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