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Hello , my username in truckers mp ismail147 , however my forum username is  [ICE-VTC] Ismail [Driver] which is my old username in truckers mp and when i changed it in truckers mp it did not change in the forum , i am asking if there is any solution regarding changing my username in the forum to match the one i have in the game "ismail147".

Thank you.

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Please try clicking this and manually changing your display name; https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/settings/


Or go to - Account > Account Settings > Display Name


Please let me know if this has solved your problem :) 




TruckersMP Trial Support

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remember we were staring up to those peaks on the horizon +x


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Hello @[ICE-VTC] Ismail [Driver]


Please let us know when your Problem has resolved ! :)

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