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Change the letter for the CB Radio

[U-14] Luis


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Hey there, @[032] Luis.

Welcome to the forums!


I must apologise, but at this current moment in-time, it's currently not officially possible to change the key toggle of the CB Radio.

You must press X in order to use the CB Radio.




If it is extremely vital, I'd advise you create a suggestion requesting its implementation - Make sure that the suggestion doesn't already exist by using the search function.



Let me know if this helps!


Mirrland - TruckersMP Trial Support.

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this is impossible at the moment

but you can look for a way to assign the CB button to a steering wheel or controller while playing ATS or ETS2 on TMP servers by following this topic


more information about cb radio you can read this topic


Best Regards

Soul Knight:)


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This topic has been inactive for 2 more days and because of that, the topic will be moved to the Unsolved topics section. 

Thank you very much for your help and participation! B)


Kind regards,


Support Manager


/Moved to Unsolved due to inactivity. 

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